(default-result-dissoc-in-fn result)
default evaluation-handler-fn
default evaluation-handler-fn
(get-source-information qualified-pipe-decl pipe-ns pipeline-source-file)
(metrics-and-model-keep-fn result)
evaluation-handler-fn which keeps only train-metric, test-metric and the fitted model map, which contains as well the model object as byte array (amon other things)
evaluation-handler-fn which keeps only train-metric, test-metric and the fitted model map, which contains as well the model object as byte array (amon other things)
(metrics-and-options-keep-fn result)
evaluation-handler-fn which keeps only train-metric, test-metric and and the options
evaluation-handler-fn which keeps only train-metric, test-metric and and the options
(metrics-keep-fn result)
evaluation-handler-fn which keeps only train-metric, test-metric
evaluation-handler-fn which keeps only train-metric, test-metric
(result-dissoc-in-seq--all-fn result)
evaluation-handler-fn which removes all :ctx
evaluation-handler-fn which removes all :ctx
(result-dissoc-in-seq-ctx-fn result)
evaluation-handler-fn which removes all :ctx
evaluation-handler-fn which removes all :ctx
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