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Bindings to smile v.2.6 matrix pathways.

Please include these libraries in addition to smile deps -

[org.bytedeco/openblas "0.3.10-1.5.4"] [org.bytedeco/openblas-platform "0.3.10-1.5.4"]

Bindings to smile v.2.6 matrix pathways.

Please include these libraries in addition to smile deps -

`[org.bytedeco/openblas "0.3.10-1.5.4"]`
`[org.bytedeco/openblas-platform "0.3.10-1.5.4"]`

raw docstring


Delay that loads the smile blas implementation when dereferenced.

Delay that loads the smile blas implementation when dereferenced.
sourceraw docstring


(smile-matrix-as-tensor dense-mat)

Zero-copy convert a smile matrix to a tensor.

Zero-copy convert a smile matrix to a tensor.
sourceraw docstring


(tensor->smile-matrix tens-data)

Convert a tensor into a smile matrix. If the tensor is backed by a concrete buffer and has a dimensions transformations that are supported by smile (no rotation, no broadcast, no complex striding), the conversion will be in place. Else the tensor is first copied to a new tensor and then the conversion takes place.

Convert a tensor into a smile matrix.  If the tensor is backed by a concrete buffer
and has a dimensions transformations that are supported by smile (no rotation, no broadcast,
no complex striding),
the conversion will be in place.  Else the tensor is first copied to a new tensor and
then the conversion takes place.
sourceraw docstring

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