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Version 0.27.0

  • added architecture model navigation functions
  • added set of supported directions to spec
  • enhanced documentation templates and generation config
  • updated use case model
  • updated documentation

Version 0.26.0

  • attention renamed :class-view to :code-view for generalization
    • :class-view is still supported but will be removed in the future
  • renamed class model to code model for generalization
  • added a --select-view-references CRITERIA command line argument
  • added :per-namespace artifact generation
  • added :synthetic? selection criterium
  • added :maturities selection criterium
  • changed default direction for :include relations in plantuml rendering of use case views
  • changed keys in model-info result map to more meaningful names
  • updated overarch architecture model and diagrams

Version 0.25.0

  • refactored and enhanced analytics functions
  • added selection criteria for :doc and :maturity
  • added a --select-views CRITERIA command line argument
  • added :name, :desc and :doc as optional view attributes
  • updated overarch data model and spec
  • updated usage docs and data model diagrams

Version 0.24.0

  • added template based artifact generation for views
  • added a view API functions
  • optimized template parsing
  • added and enhanced documentation templates
  • added :doc and :maturity attributes for nodes and relations

Version 0.23.0

  • enhanced model api for architecture models
  • fixed :to-namespace-prefix selection criterium

Version 0.22.0

  • added more model navigation functions for architecture, use case and class models
  • enhanced model API, added resolve-view and use-case navigation
  • enhanced architecture documentation template
  • expose clojure.set with alias set for :combsci templates
  • expose clojure.string with alias str for :combsci templates
  • updated :combsci engine exception handling, print errors but don't fail

Version 0.21.0

  • added default directions for relations in plantuml use case rendering
  • added model navigation functions
  • enhanced model API
  • added an architecture documentation example template
  • updated overarch use case model
  • restructured and enhanced usage docs

Version 0.20.0

  • render multi line names and descriptions as single line for plantuml and graphviz
  • added added :id-as-name option in template generation context
  • added option to include diagrams in generated markdown view (the diagram should reside in the same directory)
  • added model API functions

Version 0.19.0

  • commandline updates
    • attention changed short option for template dir from -t to -T for consistency with other arguments
    • added the possibility to explicitly set boolean options to false, which default to true
    • added an option to disable render format specific subdirs
  • updated templating, added SCI as a generation environment for comb templates
    • using :combsci as the default :engine
  • added model API for use in templates (work in progress, not stable yet)
  • added generic support for plantuml skinparams
  • added selection criterium :desc, support regular expressions for :desc and :name
  • enhanced model navigation functions
  • updated and enhanced example views
  • added a new, more complex example model named big-bank
  • updated usage docs

Version 0.18.0

  • enhanced dependent-node functions to handle model references
  • added default directions for some architecture relations in plantuml c4 diagrams
  • added selection criteria
  • fixed id->parent mapping for refs
  • removed leiningen dev profile

Version 0.17.0

  • enhanced content handling for views
    • criteria based content selection via :selection key in view spec
    • :include spec should work for all views, include relations or related nodes automatically
    • directly referenced elements have precedence over selection/inclusion for adding/overriding of keys in references
  • added deployed-to relation to deployment model to decouple architecture and deployment models
  • added selection criteria
  • added and enhanced domain model functions
  • added and enhanced clojure project templates
  • added overarch specific templates
  • updated overarch data-model and documentation
  • updated dependencies and added antq for dependency checks
  • fixed typo in element hierarchy affecting deployment models

Version 0.16.0

  • attention changed export folder structure for views
  • changed id generation of plantuml views to make the plantuml output location more reasonable
  • added rendering of cardinalities for fields in UML class diagrams
  • enhanced enum modelling and rendering in UML class diagrams
  • enhanced method modelling, added parameters
  • extracted criteria predicates to named functions
  • added selection criteria
  • updated overarch data-model and documentation

Version 0.15.1

  • fixed handling of generation-config option
  • removed debug output

Version 0.15.0

  • added generation of artifacts via templates
    • integrated comb template engine
  • added selection criteria
  • added specs for criteria
  • added analytics functions
  • added accessors in model-repository
  • added hierarchy related functions for ancestor/descendant nodes
  • enhanced model-info output
  • refactored view rendering rules
  • updated tests
  • updated documentation

Version 0.14.0

  • added selection of model elements by criteria
  • added options for element/reference selection in CLI
  • added :tags key to model nodes and relations
    • can be used in element selection
  • added check for unmatched relation namespaces
  • updated graphviz rendering to use style="filled" on nodes
  • updated tests
  • updated documentation

Version 0.13.0

  • added semantic relation types in concept model (:is-a, :has)
  • added containers from architecture model to allowed actors in use case model
  • added rendering of element subtype in markdown (e.g Database Container)
  • added an explicit example of a concept model and view
  • fixed rendering of :tech attribute for systems in C4 diagrams
  • restructured overarch models
  • updated documentation

Version 0.12.0

  • enhanched dispatch hierarchy for views
    • fixes missing dispatch values in renderers

Version 0.11.0

  • added include specifications to graphviz and markdown renderers
  • updated overarch and test models
  • updated documentation
  • fixed rendering of references in markdown
  • fixed referrer-id->relations lookup creation for nodes

Version 0.10.0

  • added support for new semantic relation types in architecture and deployment models
    • additional architecture relations
      • :request, :response, :publish, :subscribe, :send, :dataflow
    • additional deployment relation
      • :link
  • added reporting for unresolvable references in relations
  • added support for references in markdown rendering
    • configurable per view via spec
  • added support for themes to make consistent styling easier
  • removed rendering of ids as transition names in statemachines
  • separated domain model from external data representation
    • domain model can be navigated relationally and hierarchically
  • separated rendering from file output
  • added/refactored model accessor functions
  • added/refactored element predicates and type sets
  • refactored and enhanced model spec and checks
    • use expound for spec error reporting (not ideal)
  • refactored and enhanced tests
  • refactored and enhanced example models
  • updated documentation

Version 0.9.0

  • added model warnings for inconsistencies
  • added reporting for unresolvable references in views
  • added support for skinparams nodesep and ranksep for plantuml
  • enhanced model analytics functions
  • enhanced model information
  • refactored reference resolution
  • refactored and enhanced hierarchical model traversal
  • fixed arity exception in structurizr export

Version 0.8.0

  • support for loading models from multiple locations by specifying a model path
  • (WIP) adding include specification for views
  • refactored codebase to clean architecture for better maintainablity/extensibility
  • added a namespace for each kind of view for view specific logic
  • added separate namespaces for plantuml UML and C4 rendering
  • added tests for model and view logic
  • added analytics namespace for model analytics
  • extracted spec namespace
  • added compilation tests for each namespace

Version 0.7.0

  • make file watches work on Macs by using beholder instead of hawk
  • added direction rendering to relations in class and state machine views
  • enhanced example models

Version 0.6.0

  • refactored exports, distinguish between
    • exports of model data (to JSON, structurizr)
    • rendering of views (e.g. to PlantUML)
  • changed command line options to reflect the refactoring
  • added render-format 'all' to generate all formats in one go
  • updated usage and design documentation and diagrams

Version 0.5.0

  • fixed and enhanced class view rendering
  • enhanced example models

Version 0.4.0

  • added concept view for concept maps
  • added graphviz export for concept view
  • updated logical data model to incorporate enhancements
  • enhanced example models
  • updated and enhanced usage documentation
  • updated design document

Version 0.3.0

  • added first markdown export
  • added concept model elements
  • added glossary view (textual view)
  • added logical data model for overarch
  • enhanced documentation and examples

Version 0.2.0

  • added sprite includes for :sprite entries
  • added support for UML use case, state and class views/diagrams
  • enhanced documentation

Version 0.1.0

  • initial import
  • data format specification
  • data loading
  • support for views
    • system landscape
    • system context
    • container
    • component
    • deployment
    • dynamic
  • command line interface
    • exports to json, plantuml and structurizr
    • file system watch for exports on changes
    • print sprite mappings
    • infos about the loaded model
  • json export
    • based on the individual EDN files
  • plantuml export
    • styling support
    • sprite support
  • structurizr export experimental
    • export structurizr workspace with model and views

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Ludger Solbach & Solbach, Ludger (FDP4_EXTERN)
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