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Functions for the handling of diagrams.

Functions for the handling of diagrams.
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(as-boundary? view-type e)

Returns the boundary element, if the element should be rendered as a boundary for this view type, false otherwise.

Returns the boundary element, if the element should be rendered
as a boundary for this view type, false otherwise.
sourceraw docstring


(collect-technologies coll)
(collect-technologies techs coll)

Returns the set of technologies for the elements of the coll.

Returns the set of technologies for the elements of the coll.
sourceraw docstring


Maps model types to boundary types depending on the view type.

Maps model types to boundary types depending on the view type.
sourceraw docstring


Hierarchy for rendering methods.

Hierarchy for rendering methods.
sourceraw docstring


(element-name e)

Returns the name of the element.

Returns the name of the element.
sourceraw docstring


(element-to-render view-type e)

Returns the model element to be rendered in the context of the view.

Returns the model element to be rendered in the context of the view.
sourceraw docstring


(elements-in-view view)
(elements-in-view elements view coll)

Returns the elements rendered in the view.

Returns the elements rendered in the view.
sourceraw docstring


(elements-to-render view)
(elements-to-render view coll)

Returns the list of elements to render from the view or the given collection of elements, depending on the type of the view.

Returns the list of elements to render from the view
or the given collection of elements, depending on the type
of the view.
sourceraw docstring


(relation-to-render view rel)

Returns the relation to be rendered in the context of the view.

Returns the relation to be rendered in the context of the view.
sourceraw docstring


(relations-for-view view)


(render-indent n)

Renders an indent of n space chars.

Renders an indent of n space chars.
sourceraw docstring


(render-predicate view-type)

Returns true if the element is should be rendered for this view type. Checks both sides of a relation.

Returns true if the element is should be rendered for this view type.
Checks both sides of a relation.
sourceraw docstring


(render-relation? rel pred)

Returns true if the relation should be rendered in the context of the view.

Returns true if the relation should be rendered in the context of the view.
sourceraw docstring


(technologies-in-view view)


Map from diagram type to content-level predicate.

Map from diagram type to content-level predicate.
sourceraw docstring

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