Functions to export views to PlantUML.
Functions to export views to PlantUML.
(alias-name kw)
Returns a valid PlantUML alias for the namespaced keyword kw
Returns a valid PlantUML alias for the namespaced keyword `kw`.
(collect-all-sprites coll)
Collects all sprites for the collection of elements.
Collects all sprites for the collection of elements.
(collect-sprites coll)
Returns the set of sprites for the elements of the coll
Returns the set of sprites for the elements of the `coll`.
(collect-technologies coll)
Returns the set of technologies for the elements of the coll.
Returns the set of technologies for the elements of the coll.
Maps linetype keys to PlantUML C4.
Maps linetype keys to PlantUML C4.
(load-sprite-mappings options)
Loads the mappings from tech to sprite.
Loads the mappings from tech to sprite.
(load-sprite-mappings-from-dir dir)
Loads the mappings from the directory dir
and returns the merged map.
Loads the mappings from the directory `dir` and returns the merged map.
(load-sprite-mappings-from-resource resources)
Loads the list of resources
and returns the merged map.
Loads the list of `resources` and returns the merged map.
(local-import path)
(local-import prefix path)
Renders a local import.
Renders a local import.
(plantuml-view? view)
Returns true, if the view is to be rendered with plantuml.
Returns true, if the view is to be rendered with plantuml.
Contains the views to be rendered with plantuml.
Contains the views to be rendered with plantuml.
(remote-import url)
(remote-import prefix path)
Renders a remote import.
Renders a remote import.
Renders the diagram with PlantUML.
Renders the diagram with PlantUML.
(render-skinparam [k v])
Renders a skinparam for the plantuml diagram.
Renders a skinparam for the plantuml diagram.
(render-skinparams view)
Renders skinparams for the plantuml diagram.
Renders skinparams for the plantuml diagram.
(render-sprite-import view sprite)
Renders the import for an sprite.
Renders the import for an sprite.
(render-sprite-imports model view)
Renders the imports for icon/sprite libraries.
Renders the imports for icon/sprite libraries.
(render-spritelib-import view sprite-lib)
Renders the imports for an sprite library.
Renders the imports for an sprite library.
(render-title view)
Renders the title of the diagram.
Renders the title of the diagram.
(renderer _ _ view)
Returns the renderer for the view.
Returns the renderer for the view.
(short-name kw)
Returns a valid PlantUML alias for the name part of the keyword kw
Returns a valid PlantUML alias for the name part of the keyword `kw`.
(sorted-sprite-mappings m)
Returns a list of sprite mappings sorted by the key.
Returns a list of sprite mappings sorted by the key.
Definition of sprite libraries.
Definition of sprite libraries.
(sprite-path sprite)
Returns a path for the given sprite
Returns a path for the given `sprite`.
(sprite? tech)
Returns true if the icon-map contains an icon for the given technology.
Returns true if the icon-map contains an icon for the given technology.
(sprites-for-view model view)
Collects the sprites for the view
Collects the sprites for the `view`.
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