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(count-elements coll)

Returns a map with the count of views per type in the given coll.

Returns a map with the count of views per type in the given `coll`.
sourceraw docstring


(count-namespaces coll)

Returns a map with the count of identifiable elements per namespace in the given coll.

Returns a map with the count of identifiable elements per namespace in the given `coll`.
sourceraw docstring


(count-nodes coll)

Returns a map with the count of relations per type in the given coll.

Returns a map with the count of relations per type in the given `coll`.
sourceraw docstring


(count-relations coll)

Returns a map with the count of relations per type in the given coll.

Returns a map with the count of relations per type in the given `coll`.
sourceraw docstring


(count-views coll)

Returns a map with the count of views per type in the given coll.

Returns a map with the count of views per type in the given `coll`.
sourceraw docstring


(key-set m)

Returns a set of the keys of the map m.

Returns a set of the keys of the map `m`.
sourceraw docstring


Returns a transducer to extract the namespaces of some elements.

Returns a transducer to extract the namespaces of some elements.
sourceraw docstring


Returns a transducer to extract the id of each node.

Returns a transducer to extract the id of each node.
sourceraw docstring


(unidentifiable-elements coll)

Returns the elements without an id in the given coll.

Returns the elements without an id in the given `coll`.
sourceraw docstring


(unnamed-elements coll)

Returns the elements without an id in the given coll.

Returns the elements without an id in the given `coll`.
sourceraw docstring


(unnamespaced-elements coll)

Returns the elements without a namespaced id.

Returns the elements without a namespaced id.
sourceraw docstring


(unrelated-nodes model)

Returns the set of ids of identifiable model nodes not taking part in any relation.

Returns the set of ids of identifiable model nodes not taking part in any relation.
sourceraw docstring


(unresolved-refs model element)

Checks references in an element.

Checks references in an element.
sourceraw docstring


(unresolved-refs-xf model)

Returns a transducer to extract unresolved refs

Returns a transducer to extract unresolved refs
sourceraw docstring



Validates the references in the model.

Validates the references in the model.
sourceraw docstring


(validate-views model)

Validates the references in the views.

Validates the references in the views.
sourceraw docstring

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