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This library is an idiomatic Clojure wrapper for the symphony-java-client library, a client binding and SDK for the Symphony chat platform's REST API.


clj-symphony is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars. Plonk the following in your project.clj :dependencies, lein deps and you should be good to go:

[org.symphonyoss/clj-symphony "#.#.#"]   ; Where #.#.# is replaced with an actual version number

The latest released version is:

Clojars Project

Trying it Out

Alternatively, you may prefer to kick the library's tyres without creating a project. This is a snap with the awesome lein try plugin:

$ lein try org.symphonyoss/clj-symphony

You will be dropped in a REPL with the library downloaded and ready for use.


The functionality is provided by several clj-symphony._____ namespaces.

Require them in the REPL (incl. a lein try REPL):

(require '[clj-symphony.connect         :as syc]  :reload-all)
(require '[clj-symphony.user            :as syu]  :reload-all)
(require '[          :as sys]  :reload-all)
(require '[            :as sych] :reload-all)
(require '[            :as syrm] :reload-all)
(require '[clj-symphony.message         :as sym]  :reload-all)
(require '[clj-symphony.user-connection :as syuc] :reload-all)

Require them in your project:

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [clj-symphony.connect         :as syc]
            [clj-symphony.user            :as syu]
            [          :as sys]
            [            :as sych]
            [            :as syrm]
            [clj-symphony.message         :as sym]
            [clj-symphony.user-connection :as syuc]))

Detailed API documentation is published here.

Contributor Information

GitHub project

Bug Tracker


Copyright 2016 Fintech Open Source Foundation

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

3rd Party Licenses

To see the full list of licenses of all third party libraries used by this project, please run:

$ lein licenses :csv | cut -d , -f3 | sort | uniq

To see the dependencies and licenses in detail, run:

$ lein licenses

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