Author: Di Xu (
This tutorial is written for someone who might be interested in the implementation of type inference in Typed Clojure.
This tutorial assume reader has some knowledge about types and syntax in Typed Clojure.
So, why type inference is useful at all? Well, the most obvious usage of type inference is it can save you from typing too much, for example, what type the following expression has?
(let [x 100] x)
it is too obvious, it has type Number
, so Typed Clojure do not requires you
to annotate it as:
(t/ann-form (let [x 100] x) Number)
although you can do that.
The second reason is type inference is necessary for type check, because many
functions have type variable that can be instantiated as any type, for example,
returns whatever argument it receives. So we just annotate it as:
(All [x] [x -> x])
So how do we know if expression (requires-number (identity 2))
can pass type
check or not? We have to do some type inference to infer expression
(identity 2)
has type Number
, and function requires-number
requires a
to be its argument.
Let us have an example to show what going on in Typed Clojure.
Assume we are checking type of expression (identity 100)
, this expression is
function call, so we should know function type and type of each arguments, if
function type and types of arguments do not match, then it will get type error,
and if they match, we should get result type of this function application.
As we said earlier, identity
function has type (All [x] [x -> x])
, so this
type involve type variable x
, we should first figure out what type value the
variable x
has, the process of finding out that value is called type
The process needs a data structure called cset(constraint set), we can
simplify that structure as {:S xxx :T zzz}
, S
means the bottom type, T
means the top type, it means a type variable should be type of S
at least,
and type of T
at most. You can read Local Type Inference
paper for more
information. We should change the value of them during the process of type
inference. They are initialized as {:S Bottom :T Any}
So if we do (t/cf (identity 100) Number)
, we check our expected type Number
first, this will make cset of x
to be {:S Bottom :T Number}
, because x
should be at most type of Number
to satisfy constraint. And then, we
check if the arguments satisfy constraint, x
is type 100
, this is value
type in Typed Clojure, it help us specify type information more accurate, and
then we get cset of x
to be {:S 100 :T Any}
, attentition here, T
of x
is still Any
type, because we can only get one constraint at once, if we want
to combine the two result into one, we should do some sort of meet, this is
implemented in cset-meet of cs-gen.clj, so after we do cset-meet of two cset we
already have, we will get {:S 100 :T Number}
, this cset-meet success because
type of S
is subtype of type of T
. If we do
(cset-meet {:S String :T Any} {:S Bottom :T Number})
, it will get an error,
because String
is not subtype of Number
. And we treat this error as failure
of type inference process. This might caused by
(t/cf (identity "aaa") Number)
, which has obvious type mismatch.
So cset of x
we get is {:S 100 :T Number}
, and no error happened during
this process, we consider this inference as success, so we will choose the most
accurate type to be the type of function, so we choose 100
. And type of
in this case becomes [100 -> 100]
, it is a function accept a
argument must have type 100
, and returns type 100
. After we get this
function type, we check if all arguments is subtype of parameters of function,
and return type is subtype of expected type. In this case, we check if 100
subtype of 100
, and if 100
is subtype of Number
. And we all get yes, so
function application (identity 100)
is type correct, and this expression
itself has type 100
Our implementation of rest and drest function type is described in this paper.
Why we need these function type? Because many functions in Clojure is
variable-arity function, like +
and map
. These functions can be classified
into two categories: uniform and non-uniform. Function like +
variable-arity function, but it requires they are all of type Number
Function like map
is more difficult to check, because it requires first
argument to be a function, and it accept as many arguments as map
minus 1, also the type of them should match.
Typed Clojure has two function types corresponding to these two kinds of functions: rest function and drest function.
Rest function is very easy to understand, you can see the type of +
[Number * -> Number]
, it accept 0 or more Number as it argument, and produce
type Number
. The process of type check is also easy to understand: check if
type of arguments are all subtype of Number
Drest function is a little difficult to understand. Simplified map
has type
(All [c a b :..]
[[a b :.. b -> c]
(Seqable a)
(Seqable b)
(t/Seq c)])
this is very complicate at first glance. But I will show you how to understand it.
introduce three type variable into type scope: c
, a
and b
. c
is normal type variable, but b
is not, it is called dotted type variable,
indicated by ...
following it.
Let us analysis its arguments type.
The first argument is a function type, it accepts type a b :.. b
and produces
type c
as it result, other arguments is (Seqable a) (Seqable b) :.. b
, and
function returns type (t/Seq c)
The only thing that is difficult to understand is b :.. b
(Seqable b) :.. b
. This is called dotted type, the first item of this is
called dotted pre-type, it servers as a type template, and the last item of
this is called bound variable, it indicated what type variable should be
constrain on.
Let me show you an example.
Assume we are checking
(t/cf (map (t/ann-form (fn [x y z] (+ x z)) [Number String Number -> Number]) [1 2] ["a" "b"] [3 4]))
here is to annotate anonymous function as
[Number String Number -> Number]
. So as we said, we should first generate
cset for each type variable if function has type variable: we check the first
argument to map
first: it is function type, and according to argument(I leave
out cset generation), a
should be Number
, b
is dotted type variable, it
can accept 0 or more type value, in this case, it is of type [String Number]
the order here is important, and c
is of type Number
. After this we check
other arguments to map
: a
is a vector of Number
, and vector implements
interface in Clojure, so vector of Number
is subtype of
(Seqable Number)
. So a
is still of type Number
(cset-meet will not cause
error), (Seqable b) :.. b
here is very interesting, because (Seqable b)
servers as template, so we should first expand type according to that template
before we check its type. We have two arguments remain, so we should first
expand (Seqable b) :.. b
into (Seqable b1) (Seqable b2)
, and then check
with arguments, so we get b1
as String
and b2
as Number
, so b is still
of type [String Number]
(cset-meet will not cause error).
So after the process of type inference, we know that a
is of type Number
is of type [String Number]
, c
is of type Number
. So we inferred type
of map
[[Number String Number -> Number] (Seqable Number) (Seqable String) (Seqable Number) -> (t/Seq Number)]
, and this type passed follow-up subtype check of arguments.
Why we need to extends existed function type? Well, some functions in Clojure
have special constraint on their argument, for example, arguments for hash-map
should be partitioned with 2, and each partition should have type like
[key-type val-type]
to produce type (Map key-type val-type)
, this
constraint is very similar to rest type of function because it also has
repeated pattern, but item to repeat is not one, but two. So we invented a new
syntax <*
to express this constraint, we call it prest, that is, push rest,
so we annotate hash-map
(All [x y] [(HSeq [x y] :repeat true) <* -> (Map x y)])
. This way <*
like accept rest arguments, and push them to compare with repeated HSeq. Repeat
attribute in HSeq is useful here, it can extends itself with repeat body. For
example, (HSeq [Number String Number String])
is subtype of
(HSeq [Number String] :repeat true)
, and so do (HSeq [])
, but
(HSeq [Number String Number])
is not. So combination of repeated HSeq
can express constraint on hash-map
and similar function in a very
expressive way.
Let me give you an example, suppose we are doing
(t/cf (hash-map "a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3))
, function in this case has type
variables, so we have to infer them. We have 6 arguments here, they are all
captured by <*
, and pushed to compare with type befor it, that is, HSeq
with repeat
attribute. Because 6(number of arguments) is multiple of 2(number
of type in HSeq
body), so it is valid, otherwise we fail. We then extends
body of HSeq
to (HSeq [x y x y x y])
, note here, it is not
(HSeq [x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3])
, because x
and y
is not dotted type. So our
next job is to infer (HVec ["a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3]
with (HSeq [x y x y x y])
here is just use to embark types captured by <*
, and HVec
is subtype
of HSeq
, so there will be no problem. And from this, we will get x
and y
is Number
, right? So, we inferred hash-map
in this case is
(HSeq [String Number String Number String Number] :repeat true) <* -> (Map String Number)
and this type passed follow-up subtype check of arguments, and it returns type
(Map String Number)
And now, we just have one special type of function left, that is pdot. It just like prest, except that it contains dotted type and behave like dotted type.
For example, simplified assoc
function is annotated as:
(All [m k v c :..]
[m k v (HSeq [c c] :repeat true) <... c
-> (Assoc m k v c :.. c)])
the only thing we have not met in this documentation is
(HSeq [c c] :repeat true) <... c
, <...
here is pdot, and it looks just like
dotted type, HSeq
is like dotted pre-type, and c
is the dotted type
Suppose we are doing (t/cf (assoc {} "a" 1 "b" 2))
, we will get m
is empty
map, k
is "a"
, v
is 1
, but we got two arguments remain, they are
captured by <...
, and since remain args is multiple of number of types in
body of HSeq
, it is valid, and we extends HSeq
(HSeq [c1 c2] :repeat true)
, note here it is c1 c2
, not c c
, because c
is dotted type variable. And then we check "b" 2
with c1 c2
, we will know
has type ["b" 2]
. So inferred assoc
has type
[{} "a" 1 "b" 2 -> (Assoc {} "a" 1 "b" 2)]
. And we finished.
But that is not we actually doing. Why? Because we should first check expected
type. But Assoc
type is to difficult to be constrained on, since serveral
different call to assoc
will still produce same output, for example
(assoc {} "a" 1 "b" 2)
, (assoc {} "b" 2 "a" 1)
and even
(assoc {"a" 1} "b" 2)
will produce same outpt. How could we constrain on its
result type, that is Assoc
? So I think we should first check arguments of
call, not result type. And only after we get all constraint on argument, will
we construct result type, and do subtype check of expected type, I call this
delay check of expected type. This is workable from my experiment, but Ambrose
think we should figure out what this will cause before we going on, because
if we do not check result first, we will get less information when we do type
inference. So before we fully understand what this will caused, we will not
being able to use annotated assoc
, just original special handler to do the
Ok, we finished our tutorial, here is question: Isn't rest and dot is just special case of prest and pdot?
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