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HTML pages with proper meta and styles in pure Clojure

Clojars Project CircleCI


Out of the box:

  • Basic SEO meta
  • Basic Twitter meta
  • Basic Open Graph (Facebook) meta
  • Clojure stylesheets with garden
  • Clojure markup rendered with hiccup
  • Built-in cache-busting for assets
  • Async stylesheets loading
  • And also: that responsive viewport=something meta tag and language tag


1. Define a page

(ns pages.home)

(def page
  {:title "Page"
   :og-image ""
   :description "Some bird stuff"
   :twitter-site ""
   :garden-css ; critical path css
    [:h1 {:font-size :20px}]
   :stylesheet-async "large-stuff.css"
   :body [ [:h1 "Ah, a Page!"]]})

2. Wire it up to your routes (e.g. Compojure)

(ns server
 (:require [page-renderer.core :as pr]
           [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]] 
           [pages.home :as p]))

  (GET "/" [] {:status 200
               :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
               :body (pr/render-page p/page)})
  (GET "/quicker-way" [] (pr/respond-page p/page)))

3. Celebrate

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link href="/favicon.png" rel="icon" type="image/png">
    <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" name="viewport">
    <meta content="Some bird stuff" name="description">
    <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card">
    <meta content="" name="twitter:site">
    <meta content="Some bird stuff" name="twitter:description">
    <meta content="" name="twitter:image">
    <meta content="Page" property="og:title">
    <meta content="Some bird stuff" property="og:description">
    <meta content="" property="og:image">
    <style id="inline-css--garden">
    h1 {
    font-size: 20px;
<body class="page">
    <h1>Ah, a Page!</h1>
    var link = document.createElement('link');


Use page-renderer.core/render-page and page-renderer.core/respond-page Both functions have the same signature.

Each function accepts a map that may have properties enlisted below:

  • @param {hash-map} renderable - the props map
  • @param {vector} renderable.body - data structure for Hiccup to render into HTML of the document's body
  • @param {string} renderable.meta-title - content for title tag (preferred)
  • @param {string} renderable.title - content for title tag
  • @param {string} renderable.meta-keywords - content for title tag
  • @param {string} renderable.meta-description - meta description
  • @param {map} meta-props – meta which must be rendered as props. Example {"fb:app_id" 123}. For instance, Facebook app_id must be renderded as meta property not just meta tag.
Open Graph meta
  • @param {string} renderable.og-title - OpenGraph title
  • @param {string} renderable.og-description - OpenGraph description
  • @param {string} renderable.og-image - absolute url to image for OpenGraph
  • @param {string} renderable.og-type
  • @param {string} renderable.og-url - OpenGraph page permalink
  • @param {string} renderable.head-tags - data structure to render into HTML of the document's head
Twitter meta

Twitter meta – if you want it – be sure to include :twitter-site or :twitter-creator. Or both.

  • @param {string} renderable.twitter-site - twitter @username
  • @param {keyword} renderable.twitter-card-type - twitter card type one of #{:summary :summary_large_image :app :player}
  • @param {string} renderable.twitter-description - twitter card description
  • @param {string} renderable.twitter-image - twitter image
  • @param {string} renderable.twitter-image-alt - twitter image alt
  • @param {string} - data structure for Garden CSS
  • @param {string/boolean} renderable.manifest - truthy value will add a manifest link. If a string is passed – it'll be treated as a manifest url. Otherwise '/manifest.json' will be specified.
  • @param {string/collection<string>} renderable.stylesheet - stylesheet filename, will be plugged into the head, will cause browser waiting for download.
  • @param {string/collection<string>} renderable.stylesheet-inline - stylesheet filename, will be inlined into the head.
  • @param {string/collection<string>} renderable.stylesheet-async - stylesheet filename, will be loaded asynchronously by script.
  • @param {string/collection<string>} renderable.script - script name, will be loaded asynchronously
  • @param {string/collection<string>} renderable.script-sync - script name, will be loaded synchronously
  • @param {string/collection<string>} renderable.js-module - entry point for JS modular app. If you prefer your scripts to be served as modules

How cache-busting works here

page-renderer provides very basic, but bulletproof cache-busting by providing a url param with last modification timestamp, like /file?mtime=21112. For every stylesheet, script and image – it will attempt to look up for the last modified date on the file. If the file can't be found on the classpath or inside a local resources/public directory it will receive the library load time, roughly equaling the application start time.


Copyright © 2019 Ivan Fedorov

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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