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A finite state machine library.

Main concepts

The library provides three state machines that cover four main concepts, or concerns.

The fsm provides a simple state transition table. Transitions are verified against a set of permitted transitions. Optionally transitions run specified functions on entry and exit of a state. The fsm state is a keyword, and is maintained by the caller of the fsm. This state machine is purely functional. The fsm is just for verifying transition validity, and applying on-enter and on-exit functions.

The stateful-fsm uses a fsm internally and provides atomic management of the the state, and arbitrary state-data. Transitions are made by applying an externally supplied function that is a applied to the current state. Optionally transitions run specified functions on entery and exit of a state. Timeouts are optionally supported on each state. The stateful-fsm records the current state and provides atomic state updates, in addition to the functionality provided by fsm

The event-machine uses a stateful-fsm, and provides a mapping from events to state transitions. Each state is associated with an event-fn that is notified of incoming events. An event is an event keyword, and arbitrary event-data. An event-fn can make any transition permitted by the underlying stateful-fsm.

Finally, the poll-event-machine-fn and event-machine-loop-fn provide a mechanism for running a per state state-fn against the current state of an event-machine.


The library has a DSL for producing the configuration map that is passed to fsm, stateful-fsm or event-machine. The DSL is optional.

Basic FSM

The basic fsm just verifies externally specified transitions.

(use 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm-dsl)
(let [{:keys [transition valid-state? valid-transition?] :as sm}
          (state :locked
            (valid-transitions :locked :open))
          (state :open
            (valid-transitions :locked))))]
  (valid-state? :locked) ; => true
  (valid-state? :broken) ; => false

  (valid-transition? :locked :open) ; => true
  (valid-transition? :open :open) ; => false

  (transition :locked :open) ; => :open
  (transition :open :locked)) ; => :locked

fsm also provides on-enter and on-exit functions for states, that can be used to manage external state. Note that on-enter and on-exit functions can not (functionally) modify the fsm state.

(use 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm-dsl)
(let [exit-locked (atom nil)
      enter-open (atom nil)
      {:keys [transition valid-state? valid-transition?] :as sm}
          (state :locked
            (valid-transitions :locked :open)
            (on-exit (fn [_] (reset! exit-locked true)))
          (state :open
            (valid-transitions :locked)
            (on-enter (fn [_] (reset! enter-open true)))))))]
  (transition :locked :open) ; => :open
  @exit-locked ; => true
  @enter-open ; => true)

Logging and other features can be added with using-fsm-features.

(use 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm-dsl)
(let [{:keys [transition valid-state? valid-transition?] :as sm}
          (using-fsm-features (with-transition-logger :debug))
          (state :locked
            (valid-transitions :locked :open))
          (state :open
            (valid-transitions :locked))))]

Stateful FSM

The stateful-fsm maintains it's state in an atom, and provides atomic transitions. The initial-state needs to be specified. An option initial-state-data may also be given. The transition function takes a function that will be used to update the state map atomically.

(use 'pallet.algo.fsm.stateful-fsm 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm-dsl)
(let [{:keys [transition state reset valid-state? valid-transition?] :as sm}
          (initial-state :locked)
          (initial-state-data {:code 123})
          (state :locked
            (valid-transitions :locked :open))
          (state :open
            (valid-transitions :locked))))]
  (state) ; => {:state-kw :locked :state-data {:code "123"}}
    #(assoc % :state-kw :locked :state-data {:so-far "1"})))
    ; => {:state-kw :locked :state-data {:so-far "1"}}

The :timeout feature allows the specification of timeouts for a state. If a timeout expires the state will transition to the :timed-out state. Features are specified with the using-stateful-fsm-features form.

(let [{:keys [transition state reset valid-state? valid-transition?] :as sm}
          (initial-state :locked)
          (initial-state-data {:code 123})
          (using-stateful-fsm-features :timeout)
          (state :locked
            (valid-transitions :locked :open))
          (state :open
            (valid-transitions :locked :timed-out))
          (state :timed-out))]
    #(assoc % :state-kw :open :timeout {:s 1}))
    ; => {:state-kw :open}
  (Thread/sleep 2000) ; wait 2s
  (state) ; => {:state-kw :timed-out})

The stateful-fsm also provides a :history feature, that will record all states as a sequence available on the state's :history keyword.

The fsm features can still be used, as stateful-fsm is implemented on top of fsm.

Event Machine

The event-machine adds the ability to respond to events, sent to the fsm via it's :event function.

Events are handled by a state specific event-handler, which can implement an arbitrary event to state transition mapping, and can freely update the :state-data in the state.

(use 'pallet.algo.fsm.event-machin 'pallet.algo.fsm.fsm-dsl)
(let [locked (fn [state event event-data]
               (if (= event :open-sesame)
                 (assoc state :state-kw :open :state-data "welcome")
      {:keys [event state] :as sm}
          (initial-state :locked)
          (state :locked
            (valid-transitions :locked :open)
            (event-handler locked)
          (state :open
            (valid-transitions :locked)))]
  (event :trying nil) ; => {:state-kw :locked}
  (event :open-sesame nil) ; => {:state-kw :open :state-data "welcome"})

The fsm and event-machine features can still be used, as event-machine is implemented on top of stateful-fsm.

API Docs

API documentation


To use pallet-fsm, add the following to your :dependencies in project.clj:

[pallet-fsm "0.2.0"]


Copyright © 2012 Hugo Duncan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.

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