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(amap f a)
(amap threshold f a)

Applies f in parallel to the elements in the array. The threshold decides how big a chunk of computation should be before going sequential and it's given a default based on the number of available cores.

Applies f in parallel to the elements in the array.
The threshold decides how big a chunk of computation should be before
going sequential and it's given a default based on the number of
available cores.
sourceraw docstring


(and & args)

Like core/and but each expression is evaluated in parralel. It does not short-circuit.

Like `core/and` but each expression is evaluated in parralel.
It does not short-circuit.
sourceraw docstring


(args f & args)

Call f with each argument evaluated in parralel. This is roughly equivalent to the expansion: (p/args + 1 2 3) => (let [a (future 1) b (future 2) c (future 3)] (+ @a @b @c))

Call f with each argument evaluated in parralel.
This is roughly equivalent to the expansion:
(p/args + 1 2 3) =>
(let [a (future 1) b (future 2) c (future 3)] (+ @a @b @c))
sourceraw docstring


(armap f a)
(armap threshold f a)

Applies f in parallel over the reverse of the array. The threshold decides how big is the chunk of sequential computation, with a default of alength / twice the CPUs. Performs better than sequential for non-trivial transforms.

Applies f in parallel over the reverse of the array.
The threshold decides how big is the chunk of sequential
computation, with a default of alength / twice the CPUs.
Performs better than sequential for non-trivial transforms.
sourceraw docstring


(arswap f low high radius a)

Arrays reverse-swap of the regions identified by: [low, low + radius]....[high - radius, high] Takes transformation f to apply to each item. Preconditions: (pos? (alength a)), (< low high), (pos? radius)

Arrays reverse-swap of the regions identified by:
[low, low + radius]....[high - radius, high]
Takes transformation f to apply to each item.
Preconditions: (pos? (alength a)), (< low high), (pos? radius)
sourceraw docstring


(chunk-size coll nchunks)

Calculates the necessary chunk-size to obtain the given number of splits during a parallel fold. nchunks needs to be a power of two.

Calculates the necessary chunk-size to obtain
the given number of splits during a parallel fold.
nchunks needs to be a power of two.
sourceraw docstring


(count xform coll)
(count n xform coll)


(distinct coll & xforms)

Returns a non-lazy and unordered sequence of the distinct elements in coll. It does not support null values that need to be removed before calling. Also accepts an optional list of transducers that is applied before removing duplicates. When bound with mutable dynamic var, returns a java.util.Set.

Returns a non-lazy and unordered sequence of the distinct elements in coll.
It does not support null values that need to be removed before calling.
Also accepts an optional list of transducers that is applied before removing
duplicates. When bound with *mutable* dynamic var, returns a java.util.Set.
sourceraw docstring


(do & body)

Like core/do but forms evaluate in paralell.

Like core/do but forms evaluate in paralell.
sourceraw docstring


(doto x & forms)

Like core/doto but forms evaluate in parallel.

Like core/doto but forms evaluate in parallel.
sourceraw docstring


(external-sort fetchf ids)
(external-sort cmp fetchf ids)
(external-sort n cmp fetchf ids)

Allows large datasets (that would otherwise not fit into memory) to be sorted in parallel. It performs the following on a vector of 'ids' and 'fetchf', a function from chunk->data:

  • split ids into chunks of approximate size 'n'
  • call 'fetchf' on a chunk and expects actual data in return
  • sort actual data using 'cmp' ('compare' by default)
  • save result to temporary files (deleted when the JVM exits)
  • lazily concat files in order as they are requested
Allows large datasets (that would otherwise not fit into memory)
to be sorted in parallel. It performs the following on a vector of 'ids'
and 'fetchf', a function from chunk->data:
* split ids into chunks of approximate size 'n'
* call 'fetchf' on a chunk and expects actual data in return
* sort actual data using 'cmp' ('compare' by default)
* save result to temporary files (deleted when the JVM exits)
* lazily concat files in order as they are requested
sourceraw docstring


(fold reducef coll)
(fold combinef reducef coll)
(fold n combinef reducef coll)

Like reducers fold, but with stateful transducers support. Expect reducef to be built using p/xrf to defer initialization. n is the number-of-chunks instead of chunk size. n must be a power of 2 and defaults to 32.

Like reducers fold, but with stateful transducers support.
Expect reducef to be built using p/xrf to defer initialization.
n is the number-of-chunks instead of chunk size.
n must be a power of 2 and defaults to 32.
sourceraw docstring



(folder coll)
(folder coll nchunks)


(foldvec v n combinef f)

A general purpose reducers/foldvec taking a generic f to apply at the leaf instead of reduce.

A general purpose reducers/foldvec taking a generic f
to apply at the leaf instead of reduce.
sourceraw docstring


(frequencies input)
(frequencies input custom-xforms)

Like clojure.core/frequencies, but executes in parallel. It takes an optional comp of transducers to apply to coll before the frequency is calculated.

Like clojure.core/frequencies, but executes in parallel.
It takes an optional comp of transducers to apply to coll before
the frequency is calculated.
sourceraw docstring


(group-by f coll & xforms)

Similar to core/group-by, but executes in parallel. It takes an optional list of transducers to apply to the items in coll before generating the groups. Differently from core/group-by, the order of the items in each value vector can change between runs. It's generally 2x-5x faster than core/group-by (without xducers). If dealing with a Java mutable map with Queue type values is not a problem, a further 2x speedup can be achieved by: (binding [p/mutable true] (p/group-by f coll)) Restrictions: it does not support nil values.

Similar to core/group-by, but executes in parallel.
It takes an optional list of transducers to apply to the
items in coll before generating the groups. Differently
from core/group-by, the order of the items in each
value vector can change between runs. It's generally 2x-5x faster
than core/group-by (without xducers). If dealing with a Java mutable
map with Queue type values is not a problem, a further 2x
speedup can be achieved by:
      (binding [p/*mutable* true] (p/group-by f coll))
Restrictions: it does not support nil values.
sourceraw docstring


(let bindings & body)

Evaluates bindings in parallel and returns the result of evaluating body in the context of those bindings. Bindings have to be indpendent from each other.

Evaluates bindings in parallel and returns the result of
evaluating body in the context of those bindings. Bindings
have to be indpendent from each other.
sourceraw docstring


(max coll & xforms)

Find the min in coll in parallel. Accepts optional transducers to apply to coll before searching the min. Effective for coll size >10k items. 4000 is an approximate minimal chunk size.

Find the min in coll in parallel. Accepts optional
transducers to apply to coll before searching the min.
Effective for coll size >10k items. 4000 is an approximate
minimal chunk size.
sourceraw docstring


(min coll & xforms)

Find the min in coll in parallel. Accepts optional transducers to apply to coll before searching the min. Effective for coll size >10k items. 4000 is an approximate minimal chunk size.

Find the min in coll in parallel. Accepts optional
transducers to apply to coll before searching the min.
Effective for coll size >10k items. 4000 is an approximate
minimal chunk size.
sourceraw docstring




(or & args)

Like core/or but each expression is evaluated in parralel. It does not short-circuit.

Like `core/or` but each expression is evaluated in parralel.
It does not short-circuit.
sourceraw docstring


(pmap f input & [n])

Like pmap but eager and unordered. It runs n parallel threads (default 100) independently from the chunk size or the number of cores.

Like pmap but eager and unordered. It runs n parallel threads
(default 100) independently from the chunk size or the number
of cores.
sourceraw docstring


(process-folder folder xforms)
(process-folder folder reducef combinef xforms)

Applies xforms to all lines of all files inside folder. It supports statful transducers (for example, to skip the header, group stuff, etc.) By default it produces a vector of results, but you can pass a different reducef+combinef to use different data structures.

Applies xforms to all lines of all files inside folder. It supports
statful transducers (for example, to skip the header, group stuff, etc.)
By default it produces a vector of results, but you can pass a different
reducef+combinef to use different data structures.
sourceraw docstring


(show-chunks coll nchunks)

Shows chunk sizes for the desired chunk number on a given collection coll.

Shows chunk sizes for the desired chunk number
on a given collection coll.
sourceraw docstring


(slurp file)
(slurp file parsef)

Loads a in parallel. By default, the loaded byte array is converted into an UTF-8 string. It takes an optional parsef function of the byte array for additional (or different) processing. When mutable var is true it returns the byte array as is.

Loads a in parallel. By default,
the loaded byte array is converted into an UTF-8 string.
It takes an optional parsef function of the byte array for
additional (or different) processing. When *mutable* var
is true it returns the byte array as is.
sourceraw docstring


(sort coll)
(sort cmp coll)
(sort threshold cmp coll)

Splits input coll into chunk of 'threshold' (default 8192) size then sorts chunks in parallel. Input needs conversion into a native array before splitting. More effective for large colls (> 1M elements) or non trivial comparators. Set mutable to 'true' to access the raw results as a mutable array.

Splits input coll into chunk of 'threshold' (default 8192)
size then sorts chunks in parallel. Input needs conversion into a native
array before splitting. More effective for large colls
(> 1M elements) or non trivial comparators. Set *mutable* to 'true'
to access the raw results as a mutable array.
sourceraw docstring


(transduce xform f coll)
(transduce xform f combinef coll)
(transduce n xform f combinef coll)

Similar to core/transduce, but executes transducers in parallel. Instead of init, it accepts a combinef to combine results back from parallel execution When combinef is present, it takes precedence over f to establish the initial value for the reduction.

Similar to core/transduce, but executes transducers in parallel.
Instead of `init`, it accepts a combinef to combine results back
from parallel execution  When combinef is present, it takes
precedence over f to establish the initial value for the reduction.
sourceraw docstring


(unchunk-map f coll)


(update-vals input f)

Use f to update the values of a map in parallel. It performs well with non-trivial f, otherwise is outperformed by reduce-kv. For larger maps (> 100k keys), the final transformation from mutable to persistent dominates over trivial f trasforms. You can access the raw mutable java.util.Map by setting the dynamic binding mutable to true. Restrictions: does not support nil values.

Use f to update the values of a map in parallel. It performs well
with non-trivial f, otherwise is outperformed by reduce-kv.
For larger maps (> 100k keys), the final transformation
from mutable to persistent dominates over trivial f trasforms.
You can access the raw mutable java.util.Map by setting the dynamic
binding *mutable* to true. Restrictions: does not support nil values.
sourceraw docstring


(xrf rf & xforms)

Expects a reducing function rf and a list of transducers (or comp thereof). Use with p/fold to compose any chain of transducers applied to a reducing function to run in parallel.

Expects a reducing function rf and a list
of transducers (or comp thereof). Use with
p/fold to compose any chain of transducers applied to
a reducing function to run in parallel.
sourceraw docstring

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