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(link-anchors {:keys [anchors-lu articles] :as folio} name)

creates a global anchors list based on the lookup

(-> {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :tag "hello" :number "1"}]}}} (link-anchors-lu "example") (link-anchors "example") :anchors) => {"example" {"hello" {:type :chapter, :tag "hello", :number "1"}}}

creates a global anchors list based on the lookup

(-> {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :tag "hello" :number "1"}]}}}
    (link-anchors-lu "example")
    (link-anchors "example")
=> {"example" {"hello" {:type :chapter, :tag "hello", :number "1"}}}
sourceraw docstring

(link-anchors-lu {:keys [articles] :as folio} name)

creates the anchor lookup for tags and numbers (-> {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :tag "hello" :number "1"}]}}} (link-anchors-lu "example") :anchors-lu) => {"example" {:by-number {:chapter {"1" {:type :chapter, :tag "hello", :number "1"}}}, :by-tag {"hello" {:type :chapter, :tag "hello", :number "1"}}}}

creates the anchor lookup for tags and numbers
(-> {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :tag "hello" :number "1"}]}}}
    (link-anchors-lu "example")
=> {"example" {:by-number {:chapter {"1" {:type :chapter, :tag "hello", :number "1"}}},
               :by-tag {"hello" {:type :chapter, :tag "hello", :number "1"}}}}
sourceraw docstring

(link-namespaces {:keys [namespaces articles] :as folio} name)

link elements with :ns forms to code

(link-namespaces {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :ns :ns "clojure.core"}]}} :namespaces {"clojure.core" {:code "(ns clojure.core)"}}} "example") => {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :code :ns "clojure.core" :origin :ns :indentation 0 :code "(ns clojure.core)"}]}} :namespaces {"clojure.core" {:code "(ns clojure.core)"}}}

link elements with `:ns` forms to code

 {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :ns :ns "clojure.core"}]}}
  :namespaces {"clojure.core" {:code "(ns clojure.core)"}}}
=> {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :code
                                      :ns "clojure.core"
                                     :origin :ns
                                      :indentation 0
                                      :code "(ns clojure.core)"}]}}
    :namespaces {"clojure.core" {:code "(ns clojure.core)"}}}
sourceraw docstring

(link-numbers folio name)

creates numbers for main sections, images, code and equations (link-numbers {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :title "hello"} {:type :section :title "world"}]}}} "example") {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter, :title "hello", :number "1"} {:type :section, :title "world", :number "1.1"}]}}}

creates numbers for main sections, images, code and equations
(link-numbers {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :title "hello"}
                                                {:type :section :title "world"}]}}}
{:articles {"example"
            {:elements [{:type :chapter, :title "hello", :number "1"}
                       {:type :section, :title "world", :number "1.1"}]}}}
sourceraw docstring

(link-references {:keys [references] :as folio} name)

link code for elements to references

(link-references {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :reference :refer 'example.core/hello}]}} :references '{example.core {hello {:docs [] :source "(defn hello [] 1)"}}}} "example") => {:articles {"example" {:elements '[{:type :code, :refer example.core/hello, :origin :reference, :indentation 0, :code "(defn hello [] 1)", :mode :source, :title "source of <i>example.core/hello</i>"}]}}, :references '{example.core {hello {:docs [], :source "(defn hello [] 1)"}}}}

link code for elements to references

(link-references {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :reference :refer 'example.core/hello}]}}
                  :references '{example.core {hello {:docs []
                                                     :source "(defn hello [] 1)"}}}}
=> {:articles
      '[{:type :code,
         :refer example.core/hello,
         :origin :reference,
         :indentation 0,
         :code "(defn hello [] 1)",
         :mode :source,
         :title "source of <i>example.core/hello</i>"}]}},
    :references '{example.core {hello {:docs [], :source "(defn hello [] 1)"}}}}
sourceraw docstring

(link-stencil folio name)

links extra information for using the stencil format (link-stencil {:articles {"example" {:meta {:name "world"} :elements [{:type :paragraph :text "{{PROJECT.version}} {{}}"} {:type :paragraph :text "{{hello}} {{example.hello.label}}"}]}} :project {:version "0.1"} :anchors {"example" {"hello" {:number 2 :label "two"}}}} "example") => {:articles {"example" {:meta {:name "world"}, :elements [{:type :paragraph, :text "0.1 world"} {:type :paragraph, :text "2 two"}]}}, :project {:version "0.1"}, :anchors {"example" {"hello" {:number 2, :label "two"}}}}

links extra information for using the stencil format
 {:articles {"example" {:meta {:name "world"}
                        :elements [{:type :paragraph
                                    :text "{{PROJECT.version}} {{}}"}
                                   {:type :paragraph
                                    :text "{{hello}} {{example.hello.label}}"}]}}
  :project {:version "0.1"}
 :anchors {"example" {"hello" {:number 2
                                :label "two"}}}}
=> {:articles {"example" {:meta {:name "world"},
                          :elements [{:type :paragraph, :text "0.1 world"}
                                     {:type :paragraph, :text "2 two"}]}},
    :project {:version "0.1"},
    :anchors {"example" {"hello" {:number 2, :label "two"}}}}
sourceraw docstring

(link-tags {:keys [articles] :as folio} name)

creates a tag for elements within the article (-> {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :title "hello world"} {:type :chapter :title "hello world"}]}}} (collect/collect-tags "example") (link-tags "example")) => {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter, :title "hello world", :tag "hello-world"} {:type :chapter, :title "hello world", :tag "hello-world-0"}], :tags #{}}}}

creates a tag for elements within the article
(-> {:articles {"example" {:elements [{:type :chapter :title "hello world"}
                                      {:type :chapter :title "hello world"}]}}}
    (collect/collect-tags "example")
    (link-tags "example"))
=> {:articles
     {:elements [{:type :chapter, :title "hello world", :tag "hello-world"}
                {:type :chapter, :title "hello world", :tag "hello-world-0"}],
      :tags #{}}}}
sourceraw docstring

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