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Patika is a new Clojure routing library which is an abstraction over Liberator + Compojure.


Clojars Project


(require '[patika.core :refer [resource get-routes]])

Let's work on a full example

(ns patika.api.common
  (:require [patika.core :refer [resource get-routes]]
            [compojure.core :as c]
            [compojure.route :as r]
            [ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]
            [liberator.representation :as rep]))

;; Response returns text/plain
(resource hello
          :get ["/hello"]
          :content-type :text
          :handle-ok (fn [ctx] "Hello World"))

;; Response returns plain HTML
(resource home
          :get ["/"]
          :content-type :html
          :handle-ok (fn [ctx] "<html><body>Hello Patika!</body></html>"))

;; Response returns JSON, no need manuel JSON transformation!
(resource users
          :get ["/users"]
          :content-type :json
          :handle-ok (fn [ctx] [{:name "Ertuğrul" :age 28} {:name "Çetin" :age 22}]))

;; PUT example, response returns -> {:success? true} in JSON format
(resource create-user
          :put ["/users"]
          :content-type :json
          :put! (fn [ctx]
                  (let [data (clojure.walk/keywordize-keys (:request-data ctx))]
                    (create-user! (:email data) (:password data))))
          :handle-ok (fn [ctx] {:success? true}))

;; POST example, response returns -> {:success? true :user-id id} in JSON format
;; Also, manuel exception handling with :handle-exception
(resource activate-user
          :post ["/users/:id" [id]]
          ;;You can use coercion like this ["/users/:id" [id :<< compojure.coercions/as-int]]
          :content-type :json
          :post! (fn [ctx] (activate-user-by-id id))
          :handle-created (fn [ctx] {:success? true :user-id id})
          ;;Optional, if you want to handle exception. If you don't set your own, default one will be used.
          :handle-exception (fn [ctx] (println "Error ocurred: " (:exception ctx))))

;; Route with AUTHORIZATION -> :auth-fn
(resource send-event
          :put ["/events"]
          :content-type :json
          ;;If :auth-fn returns TRUTHY value, then it proceeds. If not, client gets 401 HTTP error.
          :auth-fn (fn [ctx] (-> ctx :request :headers (get "x-auth-token")))
          :put! #(create-event %)
          :handle-ok (fn [_] {:success? true}))

;; Redirect and Cookie Set example -> :redirect! and :as-response
(resource dictionary
          :get ["/dictionary/:word" [word]]
          :content-type :html
          ;;If first value of vector returns `true` then there will be redirection to /word-does-not-exist path.
          :redirect! [(not (get dictionary-map word)) "/word-does-not-exist"]
          :handle-ok (fn [_]
                       (let [details   (get-word-details word)
                             word-data {:word    word
                                        :details details
                                        :body    (generate-html)}]
          :as-response (fn [word-data ctx]
                         (-> (rep/as-response (:body word-data) ctx)
                             (assoc-in [:headers "Set-Cookie"] (str "word=" (:word word-data) ";details=" (:details word-data))))))

;; Uploading some file, multipart data
(resource upload-file
          :post ["/upload"]
          :content-type :multipart
          :post! (fn [ctx]
                   (let [file (-> ctx :request :params (get "file") :tempfile)]
                     (with-open [rdr (io/reader file)]
          :handle-exception #(.getMessage (:exception %)))

;; Generating sitemap.xml
(resource sitemap
          :get ["/sitemap.xml"]
          :content-type :xml
          :handle-ok (fn [_] (generate-sitemap-string)))

;; If provided routes do not exists, they will be redirected to this one. 
(c/defroutes not-found
             (r/not-found "404!"))

(defn run-dev-server
  ;;Scans namespaces then filters namespaces start with "patika.api." and registers routes automatically.
  ;;You can also manually register routes by using :resource-ns-vec
  ;;-> {:resource-ns-vec '[patika.api.common patika.api.users patika.api.segments ..]}
  (run-jetty (get-routes {:resource-ns-path "patika.api."
                          :not-found-route  'patika.api.common/not-found})
             {:port port :join? false}))

(run-dev-server 3000)


Copyright © 2020 Ertuğrul Çetin

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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