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pedestal-controller Build Status Clojars Project

Simple controller mechanism for Pedestal applications.


The main idea behind controllers is to define a set of handlers that shares the same interceptors/ settings, making the entire process less error-prone and easy to maintain.

(defcontroller Product
  (interceptors [common-interceptors
                 [auth :only [:create]]
                 [json-body :except [:search]]])

  (handler create
           (fn [request]
             (let [{{data :data} :params} request]
               (ring-resp/response (build-product! data)))))

  (handler search
           (fn [request]
             (let [{{query :query} :params} request]
               (ring-resp/response (render (search query)))))))

(interceptors Product)    ;; [default auth]
(handlers Product)        ;; {:create (fn ...) :search (fn ...)}
(handler Product :create) ;; (fn ... )

With the controllers, it's possible to add routes without defining interceptors configuration:

(def routes
   #{["/products"        :post Product :create]
     ["/products/search" :get  Product :search]
     ;; Although it's not mandatory and the old "syntax" still valid.
     ["/about"           :get (conj common-interceptors `about-page)]}))


Copyright © 2019 Thiago Lewin

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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