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(defsystem+ id & components)
(defsystem+ id [dependency ...] & components)

Create a new system of components. Example:

(defsystem+ MySystem [^:global configuration, api-options]
  :engine    []
  :monitor   [:scheduler :api]
  :api       [:engine {:options :api-options}]
  :scheduler [:engine])

On startup, the following injections will happen:

  • :configuration into :engine, :api and :scheduler (since it is marked as :global),
  • :engine into :api and :scheduler,
  • :api-options - aliased as :options - into :api,
  • :scheduler and :api into :monitor.

It is possible to give default values for each component using the :default metadata:

(defsystem+ MySystem [...]
  :engine ^{:default (default-engine)} []

Unless the key :engine is present and non-nil on system startup, it'll be filled with the result of (default-engine).

Create a new system of components. Example:

    (defsystem+ MySystem [^:global configuration, api-options]
      :engine    []
      :monitor   [:scheduler :api]
      :api       [:engine {:options :api-options}]
      :scheduler [:engine])

On startup, the following injections will happen:

- `:configuration` into `:engine`, `:api` and `:scheduler` (since it is
  marked as `:global`),
- `:engine` into `:api` and `:scheduler`,
- `:api-options` - aliased as `:options` - into `:api`,
- `:scheduler` and `:api` into `:monitor`.

It is possible to give default values for each component using the `:default`

    (defsystem+ MySystem [...]
      :engine ^{:default (default-engine)} []

Unless the key `:engine` is present and non-nil on system startup, it'll
be filled with the result of `(default-engine)`.
sourceraw docstring


(start-system components system)


(stop-system system)

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