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Plan 9 Filesystem Protocol, as implemented in Clojure.

[phlegyas "0.1.3"]


This is a preview release, but with enough functionality added that it may be useful, so it's tagged.

The vast majority of the protocol-level documentation was sourced from the wonderful Plan 9 from User Space project.

I have copied the test resources from droyo's styx package, credit due for making it available.

Run lein test to verify things work as they should. Currently, 100% of the provided framedumps are successfully handled, hopefully indicating that this is fully up to spec.

Development Notes

There are still many functions that require implementation, not least the VFS layer. Consider it unstable and subject to major changes.

I have included a built-in TCP server in order to aid this development, accessible from the phlegyas.core namespace.

Jack in with Spacemacs/CIDER with ,' and then, at the REPL, (r)

This will start a server at localhost on port 10001.

For testing, build plan9port (will require compilers & development headers):

git clone && cd plan9port && ./INSTALL

Or, alternatively, if you have Docker installed, there is a project that will do this for you inside a container, so you don't have to touch your base system.

Then, run the built 9P FUSE client, e.g.:

9pfuse -D 'tcp!localhost!10001' mountpoint

This should aid in the development cycle.

The example VFS layer will create a single filesystem for attaching, and some example files within, with both dynamic and static content.

When hitting inevitable issues, a simple call to (r) again will reset the service back to a clean state, ready to continue on your adventures.

Example Application

I have created a small bit of standalone code to illustrate how to use this library in your applications.

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