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In your project, require:

(require '[piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map :as closeable-map :refer [close-with with-tag]])

Define an application that can be started, and closed.

(defn start
  "Return a map describing a running application, and which values may
  be closed."
    {;; Kafka producers/consumers are ``.
     :producer (kafka-producer config)
     :consumer (kafka-consumer config)}))

You can start/stop the app in the repl with:

  (def config (load-config))
  (def system (start config))

  ;; Stop/close all processes/resources with:
  (.close system)

It can be used in conjunction with with-open in test file to create well-contained, independent tests:

(with-open [{:keys [consumer] :as app} (start config)]
  (testing "unit test with isolated, repeatable context"
    (is (= :yay/🚀 (some-business/function consumer)))))

More details

(defn start
  "Return a map describing a running application, and which values may
  be closed."
    {;; Kafka producers/consumers are ``.
     :producer (kafka-producer config)
     :consumer (kafka-consumer config)

     ;; File streams are `` too:
     :logfile (io/output-stream (io/file "/tmp/log.txt"))

     ;; Closeable maps can be nested. Nested maps will be closed before the outer map.
     :backend/api {:response-executor (close-with (memfn ^ExecutorService .shutdown)
                                        (flow/utilization-executor (:executor config)))
                   :connection-pool (close-with (memfn ^IPool .shutdown)
                                      (http/connection-pool {:pool-opts config}))

                   ;; These functions receive their map as argument.
                   ::closeable-map/before-close (fn [m] (backend/give-up-leadership config m))
                   ::closeable-map/after-close (fn [m] (backend/close-connection config m))}

     ;; Any exception when closing this nested map will be swallowed
     ;; and not bubbled up.
     :db ^::closeable-map/swallow {;; Connection are ``, too:
                                   :db-conn (jdbc/get-connection (:db config))}

     ;; Some libs return a zero-argument function which when called
     ;; stops the server, like:
     :server (with-tag ::closeable-map/fn (http/start-server (api config) (:server config)))
     ;; Gotcha: Clojure meta data can only be attached on 'concrete'
     ;; objects; they are lost on literal forms (see above).
     :forensic ^::closeable-map/fn #(metrics/report-death!)

     (fn [ex]
       ;; Will be called for all exceptions thrown when closing this
       ;; map and nested items.
       (println (ex-message ex)))}))

When (.close system) is executed, it will:

  • Recursively close all instances of and java.lang.AutoCloseable;

  • Recursively call all stop zero-argument functions tagged with ^::closeable-map/fn;

  • Skip all nested Closeable under a ^::closeable-map/ignore;

  • Silently swallow any exception with ^::closeable-map/swallow;

  • Exceptions to optional ::closeable-map/ex-handler in key or metadata;

  • If keys (or metadata) ::closeable-map/before-close or ::closeable-map/after-close are present, they will be assumed as a function which takes one argument (the map itself) and used run additional closing logic:

      {;; This function will be executed before the auto close.
       ::closeable-map/before-close (fn [this-map] (flush!))
       ;; Kafka producers/consumers are
       :producer (kafka-producer config)
       :consumer (kafka-consumer config)
       ;; This function will be executed after the auto close.
       ::closeable-map/after-close (fn [this-map] (garbage/collect!))

Some classes do not implement java.lang.AutoCloseable but present some similar method. For example instances of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService can't be closed but they can be .shutdown:

{:response-executor (close-with (memfn ^ExecutorService .shutdown)
                      (flow/utilization-executor (:executor config)))
 :connection-pool (close-with (memfn ^IPool .shutdown)
                    (http/connection-pool {:pool-opts config}))}

You may also extend this library by giving new dispatch values to multimethod piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map/close!. Once evaluated, this will work accross all your code. The multimethod is dispatched on the concrete class of its argument:

(import '(java.util.concurrent ExecutorService))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! ExecutorService
  (.shutdown ^ExecutorService x))

(import '(io.aleph.dirigiste IPool))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! IPool
  (.shutdown ^IPool x))

## All or nothing: opening a map atomically

In some circumstances you may need to handle exception on the creation
of a closeable map. If an exception happens during the creation of the
map, values already evaluated will be closed. No closeable objects
will be left open with no references to them.

For instance, this form would throw an exception:

``` clojure
(closeable-map/closeable-map {:server (http/start-server (api config))
                              :kafka {:consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                                      :producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))}})
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})

The problem is: consumer and server stay open but with no references. Kafka messages keep being consumed and the port stays locked. Using with-closeable prevents that kind of broken, partially open maps:

(closeable-map/with-closeable [server (http/start-server (api config))
                               consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                               producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))]
  (closeable-map/closeable-map {:server server
                                :kafka {:consumer consumer
                                        :producer producer}}))
;; `consumer` is closed, then `server` is closed, and finally the
;; exception is bubbled up.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})

Use with-closeable to remediate this situation. It prevents broken, partially open maps:

(closeable-map/with-closeable [server (http/start-server (api config))
                               consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                               producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))]
  (closeable-map/closeable-map {:server server
                                :kafka {:consumer consumer
                                        :producer producer}}))
;; `consumer` is closed, then `server` is closed, and finally the
;; exception is bubbled up.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})
In your project, require:

``` clojure
(require '[piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map :as closeable-map :refer [close-with with-tag]])

Define an application that can be started, and closed.

(defn start
  "Return a map describing a running application, and which values may
  be closed."
    {;; Kafka producers/consumers are ``.
     :producer (kafka-producer config)
     :consumer (kafka-consumer config)}))

You can start/stop the app in the repl with:

``` clojure
  (def config (load-config))
  (def system (start config))

  ;; Stop/close all processes/resources with:
  (.close system)

It can be used in conjunction with `with-open` in test file to create
well-contained, independent tests:

``` clojure
(with-open [{:keys [consumer] :as app} (start config)]
  (testing "unit test with isolated, repeatable context"
    (is (= :yay/🚀 (some-business/function consumer)))))

## More details

``` clojure
(defn start
  "Return a map describing a running application, and which values may
  be closed."
    {;; Kafka producers/consumers are ``.
     :producer (kafka-producer config)
     :consumer (kafka-consumer config)

     ;; File streams are `` too:
     :logfile (io/output-stream (io/file "/tmp/log.txt"))

     ;; Closeable maps can be nested. Nested maps will be closed before the outer map.
     :backend/api {:response-executor (close-with (memfn ^ExecutorService .shutdown)
                                        (flow/utilization-executor (:executor config)))
                   :connection-pool (close-with (memfn ^IPool .shutdown)
                                      (http/connection-pool {:pool-opts config}))

                   ;; These functions receive their map as argument.
                   ::closeable-map/before-close (fn [m] (backend/give-up-leadership config m))
                   ::closeable-map/after-close (fn [m] (backend/close-connection config m))}

     ;; Any exception when closing this nested map will be swallowed
     ;; and not bubbled up.
     :db ^::closeable-map/swallow {;; Connection are ``, too:
                                   :db-conn (jdbc/get-connection (:db config))}

     ;; Some libs return a zero-argument function which when called
     ;; stops the server, like:
     :server (with-tag ::closeable-map/fn (http/start-server (api config) (:server config)))
     ;; Gotcha: Clojure meta data can only be attached on 'concrete'
     ;; objects; they are lost on literal forms (see above).
     :forensic ^::closeable-map/fn #(metrics/report-death!)

     (fn [ex]
       ;; Will be called for all exceptions thrown when closing this
       ;; map and nested items.
       (println (ex-message ex)))}))

When `(.close system)` is executed, it will:

  - Recursively close all instances of `` and

  - Recursively call all stop zero-argument functions tagged with

  - Skip all nested `Closeable` under a `^::closeable-map/ignore`;

  - Silently swallow any exception with `^::closeable-map/swallow`;

  - Exceptions to optional `::closeable-map/ex-handler` in key or

  - If keys (or metadata) `::closeable-map/before-close` or
    `::closeable-map/after-close` are present, they will be assumed as
    a function which takes one argument (the map itself) and used run
    additional closing logic:

    ``` clojure
      {;; This function will be executed before the auto close.
       ::closeable-map/before-close (fn [this-map] (flush!))

       ;; Kafka producers/consumers are
       :producer (kafka-producer config)
       :consumer (kafka-consumer config)

       ;; This function will be executed after the auto close.
       ::closeable-map/after-close (fn [this-map] (garbage/collect!))

Some classes do not implement `java.lang.AutoCloseable` but present
some similar method. For example instances of
`java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService` can't be closed but they can be

``` clojure
{:response-executor (close-with (memfn ^ExecutorService .shutdown)
                      (flow/utilization-executor (:executor config)))
 :connection-pool (close-with (memfn ^IPool .shutdown)
                    (http/connection-pool {:pool-opts config}))}

You may also extend this library by giving new dispatch values to
multimethod [[piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map/close!]]. Once evaluated,
this will work accross all your code. The multimethod is dispatched on
the concrete class of its argument:

``` clojure
(import '(java.util.concurrent ExecutorService))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! ExecutorService
  (.shutdown ^ExecutorService x))

(import '(io.aleph.dirigiste IPool))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! IPool
  (.shutdown ^IPool x))

## All or nothing: opening a map atomically

In some circumstances you may need to handle exception on the creation
of a closeable map. If an exception happens during the creation of the
map, values already evaluated will be closed. No closeable objects
will be left open with no references to them.

For instance, this form would throw an exception:

``` clojure
(closeable-map/closeable-map {:server (http/start-server (api config))
                              :kafka {:consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                                      :producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))}})
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})

The problem is: `consumer` and `server` stay open but with no
references. Kafka messages keep being consumed and the port stays
locked. Using `with-closeable` prevents that kind of broken, partially
open maps:

``` clojure
(closeable-map/with-closeable [server (http/start-server (api config))
                               consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                               producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))]
  (closeable-map/closeable-map {:server server
                                :kafka {:consumer consumer
                                        :producer producer}}))
;; `consumer` is closed, then `server` is closed, and finally the
;; exception is bubbled up.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})

Use `with-closeable` to remediate this situation. It prevents broken,
partially open maps:

``` clojure
(closeable-map/with-closeable [server (http/start-server (api config))
                               consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                               producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))]
  (closeable-map/closeable-map {:server server
                                :kafka {:consumer consumer
                                        :producer producer}}))
;; `consumer` is closed, then `server` is closed, and finally the
;; exception is bubbled up.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})
raw docstring


Dynamic var. If non-nil, will be invoked with the exception as argument A one-argument function is excepted.

Because clojure.walk/walk is used for map traversal, it is not possible to pas s down any argument. Also, as we iteratively walk through nested data structures, some of them do not support metadata. As a result, a binding on this dynamic var in the execution thread enables a simple way to remember the parent value as we visit the children.

Dynamic var. If non-nil, will be invoked with the exception as
argument A one-argument function is excepted.

Because `clojure.walk/walk` is used for map traversal, it is not
possible to pas s down any argument. Also, as we iteratively walk
through nested data structures, some of them do not support
metadata. As a result, a binding on this dynamic var in the
execution thread enables a simple way to remember the parent value
as we visit the children.
raw docstring


Dynamic var. If bound to a logically true value in closing thread, will ignore any closeable items. You may change its value is some nested maps with meta {::ignore false}.

Because clojure.walk/walk is used for map traversal, it is not possible to pass down any argument. Also, as we iteratively walk through nested data structures, some of them do not support metadata. As a result, a binding on this dynamic var in the execution thread enables a simple way to remember the parent value as we visit the children.

Dynamic var. If bound to a logically true value in closing thread,
will ignore any closeable items. You may change its value is some
nested maps with meta `{::ignore false}`.

Because `clojure.walk/walk` is used for map traversal, it is not
possible to pass down any argument. Also, as we iteratively walk
through nested data structures, some of them do not support
metadata. As a result, a binding on this dynamic var in the
execution thread enables a simple way to remember the parent value
as we visit the children.
raw docstring


Dynamic var. If bound to a logically true value in closing thread, will swallow any java.lang.Throwable, the apex class for all exceptions in Java and Clojure. You may change its value is some nested maps with meta {::swallow false}.

Because clojure.walk/walk is used for map traversal, it is not possible to pass down any argument. Also, as we iteratively walk through nested data structures, some of them do not support metadata. As a result, a binding on this dynamic var in the execution thread enables a simple way to remember the parent value as we visit the children.

Dynamic var. If bound to a logically true value in closing thread,
will swallow any `java.lang.Throwable`, the apex class for all
exceptions in Java and Clojure. You may change its value is some
nested maps with meta `{::swallow false}`.

Because `clojure.walk/walk` is used for map traversal, it is not
possible to pass down any argument. Also, as we iteratively walk
through nested data structures, some of them do not support
metadata. As a result, a binding on this dynamic var in the
execution thread enables a simple way to remember the parent value
as we visit the children.
raw docstring


Perform a side effect of the form x passed as argument and attempts to close it. If it doesn't know how to close it, does nothing. Functions tagged with ^::fn are considered closeable as and java.lang.AutoCloseable.

This multimethod is dispatched on the concrete class of its argument. You can extend this method like any other multimethod.

(import '(java.util.concurrent ExecutorService))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! ExecutorService
  (.shutdown ^ExecutorService x))

(import '(io.aleph.dirigiste IPool))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! IPool
  (.shutdown ^IPool x))
Perform a side effect of the form `x` passed as argument and attempts
to close it. If it doesn't know how to close it, does
nothing. Functions tagged with `^::fn` are considered closeable as
`` and `java.lang.AutoCloseable`.

This multimethod is dispatched on the concrete class of its
argument. You can extend this method like any other multimethod.

``` clojure
(import '(java.util.concurrent ExecutorService))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! ExecutorService
  (.shutdown ^ExecutorService x))

(import '(io.aleph.dirigiste IPool))
(defmethod closeable-map/close! IPool
  (.shutdown ^IPool x))
raw docstring


(close-with proc x)

Take a procedure proc, an object x, return x. When the map is closed (proc x) will be called. Will have no effect out of a closeable map.

Some classes do not implement java.lang.AutoCloseable but present some similar method. For example instances of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService can't be closed but they can be shut down, which achieves a similar outcome. This convenience macro allows you to express it this way:

(closeable-map/close-with (memfn ^ExecutorService .shutdown) my-service)
;; => my-service
Take a procedure `proc`, an object `x`, return `x`. When the map is
closed `(proc x)` will be called. Will have no effect out of a
closeable map.

Some classes do not implement `java.lang.AutoCloseable` but present
some similar method. For example instances of
`java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService` can't be closed but they can
be shut down, which achieves a similar outcome. This convenience
macro allows you to express it this way:

``` clojure
(closeable-map/close-with (memfn ^ExecutorService .shutdown) my-service)
;; => my-service
raw docstring


(closeable-map m)

Take any object that implements a map interface and return a new map that can later be closed. You may use this map like any other map for example with update or assoc. When you call (.close m), inner closeable items will be closed.

Map keys ::before-close and ::after-close will be evaluated before and after other keys of the map. Will ignore items marked with ^::ignore, and exceptions thrown under ^::swallow will be silently swallowed. Functions tagged with ^::fn will be considered closeable. No checks on closing functions, the minimal requirement is they be invokable.

Take any object that implements a map interface and return a new map
that can later be closed. You may use this map like any other map
for example with `update` or `assoc`. When you call `(.close m)`,
inner closeable items will be closed.

Map keys `::before-close` and `::after-close` will be evaluated
before and after other keys of the map. Will ignore items marked
with `^::ignore`, and exceptions thrown under `^::swallow` will be
silently swallowed. Functions tagged with `^::fn` will be considered
closeable. No checks on closing functions, the minimal requirement
is they be invokable.
raw docstring


An empty, immutable closeable map that you may use like any other map. When you call (.close m) on it, inner closeable items will be closed.

An empty, immutable closeable map that you may use like any other
map. When you call `(.close m)` on it, inner closeable items will be
raw docstring


An empty, immutable closeable map that ignores all closeable. A nested closeable may be no longer ignored if its metadata contain {::ignore false}. You may use it like any other map.

An empty, immutable closeable map that ignores all closeable. A
nested closeable may be no longer ignored if its metadata contain
`{::ignore false}`. You may use it like any other map.
raw docstring


An empty, immutable closeable map that swallows all exceptions. A nested closeable item may throw an exception by setting its metadata to {::swallow false}. You may use it like any other map.

An empty, immutable closeable map that swallows all exceptions. A
nested closeable item may throw an exception by setting its metadata
to `{::swallow false}`. You may use it like any other map.
raw docstring


Take a form x as one argument and traverse it while trying to piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map/close! inner items.

Map keys ::before-close and ::after-close will be invoked before and after other keys of the map. Will ignore items marked with ^::ignore. Exceptions when closing some item will be passed to an optional ::ex-handler. With ^::swallow they will not be raised higher and will stay silently swallowed. Functions tagged with ^::fn will be considered closeable and will thus be called on .close.

For advance usage, no checks on closing functions, the minimal requirement is they be invokable. Map keys can also be tagged. Maps values ::before-close and ::after-close are not expected to be tagged with ^::fn for they would be executed twice.

Take a form `x` as one argument and traverse it while trying to
[[piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map/close!]] inner items.

Map keys `::before-close` and `::after-close` will be invoked before
and after other keys of the map. Will ignore items marked with
`^::ignore`. Exceptions when closing some item will be passed to an
optional `::ex-handler`. With `^::swallow` they will not be raised
higher and will stay silently swallowed. Functions tagged with
`^::fn` will be considered closeable and will thus be called on

For advance usage, no checks on closing functions, the minimal
requirement is they be invokable. Map keys can also be tagged. Maps
values `::before-close` and `::after-close` are not expected to be
tagged with `^::fn` for they would be executed twice.
raw docstring


(with-closeable bindings & body)

binding => binding-form init-expr

Like a let. Atomically open all the values, avoid partially open states. If an exception occurs, close the values in reverse order and finally bubble up the exception. Will ignore non-closeable values. Support destructuring.

Use it if you need exception handling on the creation of a closeable map, so no closeable objects are left open but with no reference to them because of an exception.

For instance, this form would throw an exception and leave the server open and the port locked:

(closeable-map {:server (http/start-server (api config))
                :kafka {:consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                        :producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))}})
;; `consumer` and `server` stay open but with no reference. Kafka
;; messages are consumed and the port is locked.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})

Using with-closeable prevents that kind of broken, partially open states:

(with-closeable [server (http/start-server (api config))
                 consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                 producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))]
  (closeable-map {:server server
                  :kafka {:consumer consumer
                          :producer producer}}))
;; `consumer` is closed, then `server` is closed, and finally the
;; exception is bubbled up.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})
binding => binding-form init-expr

Like a `let`. Atomically open all the values, avoid partially open
states. If an exception occurs, close the values in reverse order
and finally bubble up the exception. Will ignore non-closeable
values. Support destructuring.

Use it if you need exception handling on the creation of a closeable
map, so no closeable objects are left open but with no reference to
them because of an exception.

For instance, this form would throw an exception and leave the
server open and the port locked:

``` clojure
(closeable-map {:server (http/start-server (api config))
                :kafka {:consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                        :producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))}})
;; `consumer` and `server` stay open but with no reference. Kafka
;; messages are consumed and the port is locked.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})

Using `with-closeable` prevents that kind of broken, partially open

``` clojure
(with-closeable [server (http/start-server (api config))
                 consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                 producer (throw (ex-info "Exception" {}))]
  (closeable-map {:server server
                  :kafka {:consumer consumer
                          :producer producer}}))
;; `consumer` is closed, then `server` is closed, and finally the
;; exception is bubbled up.
;; => (ex-info "Exception" {})
raw docstring


(with-tag tag x)

By design, the Clojure shortcut notation ^::closeable-map/fn {} works only on direct objects, not on bindings, or literal forms. use this function to circumvent this limitation.

  (let [a {}]
    ^::closeable-map/fn a))
;; => nil

  (let [a {}]
    (with-tag ::closeable-map/fn a)))
;; => #:piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map{:fn true}
By design, the Clojure shortcut notation `^::closeable-map/fn {}`
works only on direct objects, not on bindings, or literal forms. use
this function to circumvent this limitation.

``` clojure
  (let [a {}]
    ^::closeable-map/fn a))
;; => nil

  (let [a {}]
    (with-tag ::closeable-map/fn a)))
;; => #:piotr-yuxuan.closeable-map{:fn true}
raw docstring


(with-tag- x tag)

The code is the docstring:

(defmacro -with-tag
  "The code is the docstring:"
  [x tag]
  `(vary-meta ~x assoc ~tag true))
The code is the docstring:

``` clojure
(defmacro -with-tag
  "The code is the docstring:"
  [x tag]
  `(vary-meta ~x assoc ~tag true))
raw docstring

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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