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A Clojure map which implements


TL;DR example

;; in your project
(defn start
  "Return an running context with stateful references which can be closed."
  (assoc config
    :server (http/start-server (api context) {:port 3030})
    :producer (kafka-producer config)
    :consumer (kafka-consumer config)))

;; in test file
(with-open [context (piotr-yuxuan/closeable-map (start config))]
  (testing "unit test with isolated, repeatable context"
    (is (= :yay/🚀 (some-business/function context)))))


You might not need closeable-map, perhaps jarohen/with-open or robertluo/fun-map are better fit for you. They provide more general, more powerful tools. This library focus on doing one thing: a map which represents a execution context, which you can close.

Some Clojure datastructures implement IFn:

({:a 1} :a) ;; => 1
(remove #{:a} [:a :b :c]) ;; => '(:b :c)
([:a :b :c] 1) ;; => :b

Clojure maps (IPersistentMap) implement IFn, for invoke() of one argument (a key) with an optional second argument (a default value), i.e. maps are functions of their keys. nil keys and values are fine.

I have found desirable in some cases to put stateful references in a context map:

;; Start an API
(defn -main
  (let [config (config/load-config)
        context {:producer (kafka-producer config)
                 :consumer (kafka-consumer config)}]
      (api context)
      {:port 3030})))

So far so good, but what about testing? It would be nice to have tests like:

;; doesn't work
(with-open [context {:producer (kafka-producer config)
                     :consumer (kafka-consumer config)}]
  (is (= :yay/🚀 (some-business/function context))))

so that a test context is declared, assumptions are checked against it, and finally context is closed.

This library defines a new type of map, CloseableMap, which implements It provides one function to create such map from a Clojure map. When key :close is present, it is assumed that it is a function which knows how to destroy the state, or a collection of functions, of which each destroys of part of the state.

(with-open [context (closeable-map {:producer (kafka-producer config)
                                    :consumer (kafka-consumer config)
                                    :close [(fn [{:keys [producer]}] (.close producer))
                                            (fn [{:keys [consumer]}] (.close consumer))]})]
  (is (= :yay/🚀 (some-business/function context))))



Invoking the function provided by this library from the command-line. It returns an unimpressive map, which is what we expect:

clojure -X:run-x :arg '{:a 1}'
{:a 1}

Also, see ./test/piotr~yuxuan~/closeable~maptest~.clj.

This project was created with:

clojure -X:project/new :name piotr-yuxuan/closeable-map

Run the project's tests:

clojure -M:test:runner

Lint your code with:

clojure -M:lint/idiom
clojure -M:lint/kondo

Visualise links between project vars with:

mkdir graphs
clojure -M:graph/vars-svg

Build a deployable jar of this library:

lein pom
clojure -X:jar

This will update the generated pom.xml file to keep the dependencies synchronized with your deps.edn file.

Install it locally:

lein pom
clojure -X:install

Deploy it to Clojars -- needs CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_PASSWORD environment variables (requires the pom.xml file):

lein pom
clojure -X:deploy

Deploy it to GitHub packages with this guide and:

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=github::default::

Notes on pom.xml

If you don't plan to install/deploy the library, you can remove the pom.xml file but you will also need to remove :sync-pom true from the deps.edn file (in the :exec-args for depstar).

As of now it is suggested to run lein pom to update the pom before installing a jar or deploying a new version, so that the file pom.xml is correctly updated by Leiningen (especially the scm revision), which I don't know yet how to do with deps.edn tooling.

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