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Also, see ./test/piotr_yuxuan/slava_test.clj.

This project was created with:

clojure -X:project/new :name piotr-yuxuan/slava

Run the project's tests:

clojure -M:test:runner

Lint your code with:

clojure -M:lint/idiom
clojure -M:lint/kondo

Visualise links between project vars with:

mkdir graphs
clojure -M:graph/vars-svg

Build a deployable jar of this library:

lein do clean, jar

Install it locally:

lein do clean, install

GitHub Actions

  • Once a month, automatically tries to update dependencies and push a commit is tests pass.
  • When a tag is pushed to main branch, run tests, build, and deploy package to Clojars.
  • When a commit is pushed to any branch, run tests.

Repository secrets are used; see in repository settings how to add: CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_TOKEN.

Deploying a new version

Create a new version once a jar has been created:

  • Make sure all reasonable documentation is here
  • Update resources/slava.version
  • Create a commit with title Version x.y.z
  • Create a git tag and push it; see GitHub action

Deploy it to GitHub packages with this guide and:

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=github::default::

Can you improve this documentation?Edit on GitHub

cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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