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Calenjars is a clojure jar generator, designed to create libraries for date arithmetics around non-business days, that you define yourself with a simple DSL.


Create a new clojure deps project:

curl -LO

Next, follow the instructions in the README of the generated project to create your holiday calendar definition files and generate your jar

When you import the generated jar as a dependency in your project, you'll be able to do things like:

(ns my-awesome-app
  (:require [my.generated.lib.calendar :refer [relative-date-add]]))

(relative-date-add (LocalDate/of 2020 10 9) 3 :business-days) ; -> 14Oct2020. Skips weekends.

(relative-date-add (LocalDate/of 2020 10 9) 3 :business-days "YOUR-CAL") ; Will skip weekends and any holidays defined by YOUR-CAL

It goes backwards too (this time with juxt/tick):

(ns my-awesome-app
  (:require [my.generated.lib.calendar :refer [relative-date-add]]
            [tick.core :as t]))

(relative-date-add (t/date "2020-10-12") -3 :business-days) ; -> 7Oct2020

Also check individual dates:

(ns my-awesome-app
  (:require [my.generated.lib.calendar :refer [weekend? holiday? non-business-day? business-day?]]
            [tick.core :as t]))

(holiday? (t/date "2020-10-12") "BR") ; -> true
(holiday? (t/date "2020-10-11") "BR") ; -> false
(weekend? (t/date "2020-10-12")) ; -> false
(weekend? (t/date "2020-10-11")) ; -> true
(business-day? (t/date "2020-10-12")) ; -> true
(business-day? (t/date "2020-10-12") "BR") ; -> false
(business-day? (t/date "2020-10-11")) ; -> false
(business-day? (t/date "2020-10-11") "BR") ; -> false
(non-business-day? (t/date "2020-10-12")) ; -> false
(non-business-day? (t/date "2020-10-12") "BR") ; -> true
(non-business-day? (t/date "2020-10-11")) ; -> true
(non-business-day? (t/date "2020-10-11") "BR") ; -> true

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Lucio Assis & Lucio Asis
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