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Provides REST and Websocket clients for Binance.

Provides REST and Websocket clients for Binance.
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(expand x)


(request route
         {:keys [params key secret as-is?]
          :or {params {} key nil secret nil as-is? false}})

Sends a request to Binance REST APIs. Kebab case param keys are transformed to camel case automatically. Response body keys are transformed to kebab case by default.

Sends a request to Binance REST APIs. Kebab case param keys are transformed to camel case automatically.
Response body keys are transformed to kebab case by default.
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(rest-client options)

A closure over fn request allowing to provide default args for api-key, api-secret and as-is? Returning function may be called with a param map or named args.

A closure over fn request allowing to provide default args for api-key, api-secret and as-is?
Returning function may be called with a param map or named args.
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(stream name)


(streams names)

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