A Firestore API for Clojure. Provides tools for doing both single pulls and streaming real-time data.
This library is a thin wrapper over com.google.firebase/firebase-admin
. All functions are properly
type hinted, so no reflection is used. We also try to provide somewhat idiomatic names for the
operations and queries.
Add to your project.clj
[polvo/firestore-clj "0.1.3"]
You can read the docs on clj-doc.
You can use client-with-creds
to get a client using credentials from a service account.
(require '[firestore-clj.core :as f])
(def db (f/client-with-creds "/path/to/creds.json"))
If you are using it inside Google Cloud Platform services with appropriate service account permissions,
you can just provide the project-id using default-client
(def db (f/default-client "project-id"))
We currently provide the methods add!
, set!
, assoc!
, dissoc!
, merge!
and delete!
Additionally, the functions server-timestamp
, inc
, delete
and array-remove
can be used as special values on a set!
, merge!
and assoc!
. Some examples:
; creates new document with random id
(-> (f/collection db "accounts")
(f/add! {"name" "account-x"
"exchange" "bitmex"}))
; creates new document with id "xxxx"
(-> (f/collection db "accounts")
(f/set! "xxxx" {"name" "account-x"
"exchange" "bitmex"
"start_date" (f/server-timestamp)}))
(def doc (-> (f/collection db "accounts")
(f/document "xxx")))
; updates one or more fields
(f/assoc! doc "trade_count" 0)
; updates one or more fields using a map
(f/merge! doc {"trade_count" (f/inc 1)
"active" true})
; deletes fields
(f/dissoc! doc "trade_count" "active")
; deletes it
(f/delete! doc)
We provide the query functions below (along with corresponding Java API methods):
firestore-clj | Java API |
filter= | .whereEqualTo() |
filter< | .whereLessThan() |
filter<= | .whereLessThanOrEqualTo() |
filter> | .whereGreaterThan() |
filter>= | .whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo() |
filter-in | .whereIn() |
filter-contains | .whereArrayContains() |
filter-contains-any | .whereArrayContainsAny() |
sort-by | .orderBy() |
take | .limit() |
You can use pull
to fetch the results as a map. Here's an example:
(-> (f/collection db "positions")
(f/filter= "exchange" "bitmex")
(f/sort-by "instrument")
(f/take 2)
You can perform multiple equality filters using a map.
(-> (f/collection db "positions")
(f/filter= {"exchange" "bitmex"
"account" 1})
You can sort results. For descending order, add a :desc
(-> (f/collection db "positions")
(f/filter= "account" 1)
(f/sort-by "size") ; descending: (f/sort-by "size" :desc)
If you have the appropriate indexes, you can order-by
multiple columns:
(-> (f/collection db "positions")
(f/filter= "account" 1)
(f/sort-by "size" :desc "instrument")
You can materialize a document/collection reference or query as an atom
using ->atom
(def at (-> (f/collection db "positions")
(f/filter= {"exchange" "bitmex"
"account" 1})
(println @at)
; do stuff ...
(f/detach at) ; when you don't need updates anymore.
If you need a lower level utility, you can use add-listener
. It takes a 2-arity function and merely reifies it
as an EventListener
. snapshot->data
may be useful. Read original docs here
for more.
if you want to.We welcome PRs. Here are some things that need some work:
Copyright © 2020 Polvo Technologies.
Distributed under the MIT License
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