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(->atom q)
(->atom q
        {:keys [error-handler plain-fn]
         :or {error-handler identity plain-fn snapshot->data}})

Returns an atom holding the latest value of a DocumentReference or Query.

Returns an atom holding the latest value of a DocumentReference or Query.
sourceraw docstring


(->stream q)
(->stream q
          {:keys [error-handler plain-fn]
           :or {error-handler identity plain-fn snapshot->data}})

Returns a manifold stream pushing the latest values of a DocumentReference or Query.

Returns a manifold stream pushing the latest values of a DocumentReference or Query.
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(add! cr m)

Adds a document to a collection. Its id will be automatically generated.

Adds a document to a collection. Its id will be automatically generated.
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(add-listener q f)

Adds a snapshot listener to a DocumentReference or Query.

Listener is a fn of arity 2. First arg is the QuerySnapshot, second arg is a FirestoreException. Returns an ListenerRegistration object.

Adds a snapshot listener to a DocumentReference or Query.

Listener is a fn of arity 2. First arg is the QuerySnapshot, second arg is a FirestoreException.
Returns an ListenerRegistration object.
sourceraw docstring


(array-remove & vs)

Used with set! and merge!. Removes values from an array field.

Used with `set!` and `merge!`. Removes values from an array field.
sourceraw docstring


(array-union & vs)

Used with set! and merge!. Adds unique values to an array field.

Used with `set!` and `merge!`. Adds unique values to an array field.
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(assoc context dr & fvs)

Associates new fields and values in a batched write/transaction context.

Associates new fields and values in a batched write/transaction context.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc! dr & fvs)

Associates new fields and values.

Associates new fields and values.
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(batch db)

Get a new write batch

Get a new write batch
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(batch-delete! doc-seq batch-size)

Deletes all documents in a seq of DocumentReference.

Deletes all documents in a seq of DocumentReference.
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(changes s)

Returns a vector of changes. Each change is a map with keys :type, :ref, :new-index, and :old-index. Type is one of #{:added :removed :modified}.

Returns a vector of changes. Each change is a map with keys `:type`, `:ref`, `:new-index`,
and `:old-index`. Type is one of `#{:added :removed :modified}`.
sourceraw docstring


(client-with-creds creds-path)

Creates a client from a credentials JSON file.

Creates a client from a credentials JSON file.
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(coll r coll-name)

Returns a CollectionReference for the collection of given name.

Returns a CollectionReference for the collection of given name.
sourceraw docstring


(coll-group db coll-id)

Returns a query that includes all documents contained in a collection or subcollection with the given id.

Returns a query that includes all documents contained in a collection or subcollection with the given id.
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(colls d)
(colls d cs)

Returns collections or subcollections as a vector of CollectionReference.

Returns collections or subcollections as a vector of CollectionReference.
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(commit! b)

Commits a write batch.

Commits a write batch.
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(count qs)

Number of documents in a QuerySnapshot

Number of documents in a QuerySnapshot
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(create! dr m)

Creates a new document at the DocumentReference's location. Fails if the document exists.

Creates a new document at the DocumentReference's location. Fails if the document exists.
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(create-time ds)

The time at which this document was created.

The time at which this document was created.
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(default-client project-id)

Gets default client i.e. using a service account.

Gets default client i.e. using a service account.
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(delete context dr)

Deletes a document in a batched write/transaction context.

Deletes a document in a batched write/transaction context.
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(delete! dr)

Deletes a document.

Deletes a document.
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(delete-all! cr)
(delete-all! cr batch-size)

Deletes all documents from a query. Batches for efficiency. Query must not contain limit or offset.

Deletes all documents from a query. Batches for efficiency. Query must not contain limit or offset.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-all!* cr)
(delete-all!* cr batch-size)

Deletes all documents from a query. Batches for efficiency. Fetches all results in memory.

Deletes all documents from a query. Batches for efficiency. Fetches all results in memory.
sourceraw docstring


(detach a)

Detaches an atom built with ->atom or a listener returned from add-listener.

Detaches an atom built with `->atom` or a listener returned from `add-listener`.
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(dissoc context dr & ks)

Deletes keys in a batched write/transaction context.

Deletes keys in a batched write/transaction context.
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(dissoc! dr & fields)

Deletes fields.

Deletes fields.
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(doc cr)
(doc cr id)

Gets a DocumentReference given CollectionReference or Firestore and a path. If path is not given, it will point to a new document with an auto-generated-id

Gets a DocumentReference given CollectionReference or Firestore and a path. If path is not given, it will point
to a new document with an auto-generated-id
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(doc-snaps qs)

Gets DocumentSnapshots from a QuerySnapshot

Gets DocumentSnapshots from a QuerySnapshot
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(doc-snapshot dr)
(doc-snapshot dr t)

Gets a QueryDocumentSnapshot given a DocumentReference and possibly a Transaction.

Gets a QueryDocumentSnapshot given a DocumentReference and possibly a Transaction.
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(docs c)
(docs c ds)

Gets a vector of DocumentReferences.

Gets a vector of `DocumentReference`s.
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(ds->plain s)

Represents a DocumentSnapshot as plain map.

Represents a DocumentSnapshot as plain map.
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(ds->plain-with-id s)

Represents a DocumentSnapshot as a [id plain-doc] pair

Represents a DocumentSnapshot as a [id plain-doc] pair
sourceraw docstring


(end-at q & args)

Ends results at the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.

Ends results at the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.
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(end-before q & args)

Ends results before the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.

Ends results before the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.
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(filter-contains q field value)

Filters where field contains value.

Filters where field contains value.
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(filter-contains-any q field arr)

Filters where field contains one of the values in arr.

Filters where field contains one of the values in arr.
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(filter-in q field arr)

Filters where field is one of the values in arr.

Filters where field is one of the values in arr.
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(filter< q field value)

Filters where field < value.

Filters where field < value.
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(filter<= q field value)

Filters where field <= value.

Filters where field <= value.
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(filter= q m)
(filter= q field value)

Filters where field = value. A map may be used for checking multiple equalities.

Filters where field = value. A map may be used for checking multiple equalities.
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(filter> q field value)

Filters where field > value.

Filters where field > value.
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(filter>= q field value)

Filters where field >= value.

Filters where field >= value.
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(firestore q)

Gets the Firestore instance associated with this query.

Gets the Firestore instance associated with this query.
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(geo-point [lat lon])

Creates a geocode object from a lat lon pair.

Creates a geocode object from a lat lon pair.
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(id d)

Returns the id of a CollectionReference, DocumentReference or DocumentSnapshot.

Returns the id of a CollectionReference, DocumentReference or DocumentSnapshot.
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(inc v)

Used with set! and merge!. Increments a numeric field.

Used with `set!` and `merge!`. Increments a numeric field.
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(lat-lon g)

Returns a lat lon pair from a GeoPoint.

Returns a lat lon pair from a GeoPoint.
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(limit q n)

Limits results to a certain number.

Limits results to a certain number.
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(map! q f & args)

Updates all docs in a vector or query by applying a function to them

Updates all docs in a vector or query by applying a function to them
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Used with set! and merge!. A sentinel value that marks a field for deletion.

Used with `set!` and `merge!`. A sentinel value that marks a field for deletion.
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(merge context dr m)
(merge context dr m updated-time)

Updates field of a document in a batched write/transaction context.

Updates field of a document in a batched write/transaction context.
sourceraw docstring


(merge! dr m)
(merge! dr m updated-time)

Updates fields of a document. Accepts an updated-time as precondition.

Updates fields of a document. Accepts an updated-time as precondition.
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(offset q n)

Skips the first n results.

Skips the first n results.
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(order-by q & ordering)

Orders by a sequence of fields with optional directions. Notice that ordering by multiple fields requires creation of a composite index.

Orders by a sequence of fields with optional directions. Notice that ordering by multiple fields
requires creation of a composite index.
sourceraw docstring


(parent dr)

A reference to the collection to which this document belongs to.

A reference to the collection to which this document belongs to.
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(path r)

A string representing the path of the referenced document or collection.

A string representing the path of the referenced document or collection.
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(pull q)
(pull q t)

Pulls data from a DocumentReference or Query, possibly inside a transaction context.

Pulls data from a DocumentReference or Query, possibly inside a transaction context.
sourceraw docstring


Pulls clojure data from a DocumentReference.

Pulls clojure data from a DocumentReference.
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(pull-docs drs)
(pull-docs drs t)

Pulls clojure data from a sequence of DocumentReferences, possibly inside a transaction context.

Pulls clojure data from a sequence of `DocumentReference`s, possibly inside a transaction context.
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Pulls results from a Query as clojure data.

Pulls results from a Query as clojure data.
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Pulls query results as a vector of document data.

Pulls query results as a vector of document data.
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Pulls query results as a vector of pairs. Each pair has an id and document data

Pulls query results as a vector of pairs. Each pair has an id and document data
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(purge! root)
(purge! root batch-size)

If a document, deletes it and all its subcollections recursively. If a collection or query, purges all its documents. Operates in batches.

If a document, deletes it and all its subcollections recursively. If a collection or query,
purges all its documents. Operates in batches.
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(qs->plain-map s)

Represents a QuerySnapshot as a plain map whose keys are the document ids.

Represents a QuerySnapshot as a plain map whose keys are the document ids.
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(qs->plainv s)

Represents a QuerySnapshot as a plain vector of document data.

Represents a QuerySnapshot as a plain vector of document data.
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(qs->plainv-with-ids s)

Represents a QuerySnapshot as a plain vector of [id doc] pairs.

Represents a QuerySnapshot as a plain vector of [id doc] pairs.
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(query-snapshot q)
(query-snapshot q t)

Gets a QuerySnapshot given a Query and possibly a Transaction.

Gets a QuerySnapshot given a Query and possibly a Transaction.
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(range q start end)

Gets a range

Gets a range
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(read-time q)

The time at which this snapshot was read.

The time at which this snapshot was read.
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(ref ds)

Gets a reference to the document this snapshot refers to.

Gets a reference to the document this snapshot refers to.
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(select q & fields)

Selects given fields

Selects given fields
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Used with set! and merge!. Timestamp for when the update operation is performed on server.

Used with `set!` and `merge!`. Timestamp for when the update operation is performed on server.
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(set context dr m)

Creates or overwrites a document in a batched write/transaction context.

Creates or overwrites a document in a batched write/transaction context.
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(set! dr m)

Creates or overwrites a document.

Creates or overwrites a document.
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(snapshot->data s)

Gets a DocumentSnapshot/CollectionSnapshot/QuerySnapshot's underlying data.

Gets a DocumentSnapshot/CollectionSnapshot/QuerySnapshot's underlying data.
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(start-after q & args)

Starts results after the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.

Starts results after the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.
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(start-at q & args)

Starts results at the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.

Starts results at the provided document, or at the provided fields relative to the order of the query.
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(subdocs dr)

A lazy sequence including given document and all documents in its subcollections.

A lazy sequence including given document and all documents in its subcollections.
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(transact! db f)
(transact! db f {:keys [attempts executor] :as options})

Performs a transaction. Optionally, you can specify an executor and the maximum number of attemps.

Performs a transaction. Optionally, you can specify an executor and the maximum number of attemps.
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(update! dr f & args)

Updates a document by applying a function to it.

Updates a document by applying a function to it.
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(update-field! dr field f & args)

Updates a single field of a document by applying a function to it.

Updates a single field of a document by applying a function to it.
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(update-time ds)

The time at which this document was last updated.

The time at which this document was last updated.
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