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When we talk about poly dependencies, we refer to dependencies between bricks (components and bases). For 3rd-party library dependencies, see Libraries.

Setup for Tutorial

We’ll switch from our example tutorial to the RealWorld example app to explore dependencies.

If you’ve been following our ongoing example tutorial, first take a moment to ensure you aren’t currently in the example workspace directory. Change directory, e.g., to the parent folder of your example workspace:

├── example
└── clojure-polylith-realworld-example-app

Then run:

git clone
cd clojure-polylith-realworld-example-app

Digging In

Have a look at the Realworld example app workspace:

poly info

Look at all those lovely bricks we have to play with!

List all poly dependencies by running the deps command:

poly deps
deps interfaces annotated

This is a summary of all brick dependencies in the workspace. Interfaces are shown in yellow, components in green, and bases in blue.

Notice the headers across the top are yellow (interfaces).

Each x is a src dependency, t is a test only dependency (code that lives in any of the directories specified in :aliases > :test > :extra-paths).

Reading the article component row, left to right, we see it uses database, profile, and spec interfaces (and the user interface, but only for testing). Reading the article interface column, top to bottom, we see it is used by the comment component and rest-api base.

Our example here does not show it, but bases can also depend on other bases.

You can ask poly to hone in on the dependencies for a single brick. Ask poly to report on the article brick:

poly deps brick:article
deps interface

We’ve looked at brick ⇔ interface dependencies. To examine brick ⇔ brick dependencies, you need to specify a project:

poly deps project:rb
deps components

The header across the top is now green (components) instead of yellow (interfaces). This component reporting is possible because poly is aware of all the implementing components within the selected project.

This report has extra symbols. The + sign indicates an indirect dependency, and the - sign indicates indirect test dependencies (not present in our example output). An example is the article component using the log component indirectly: article uses database, and database uses log.

If you have many brick dependencies, you might prefer the compact format:

poly deps project:rb :compact
deps components compact

You tell poly to always use the compact format for deps for your workspace by setting :compact-views #{"deps"} in your workspace.edn.

We can also show brick ⇔ brick dependencies for a specific brick within a project:

poly deps project:rb brick:article
deps component

Swap axes

For large workspaces, it can sometimes make reading the diagram easier if you swap the axes:

poly deps :swap-axes
deps swapped axes


The poly tool restricts what can access what:

EntityFrom the :src contextFrom the :test contextCaution


Can only access:

Can access any namespace.

If component x test code accesses test code from component y, it is harder to swap out (replace) component x; you must also implement all component y tests for the replacement.
A better strategy is to put any shared test code in a separate test helper component and depend on that component’s interface.


Can only access:

Can access any namespace.


Can access any namespace.

Can access any namespace.

While tests are fine, we recommend against including src for deployable ./projects; the poly tool does no checks on deployable project source code.

Circular dependencies

The poly tool reports on circular brick dependencies. If you have a dependency chain like A > B > A, or A > B > C > A, then poly will show Error 104 - Circular dependencies. To read more about this and other errors, see the check command.

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