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If the poly tool has been installed, it can be upgraded.

Polylith’s releases are found and described on our releases page. We document our release strategy in detail here.

Stand-alone macOS

Use standard brew package upgrade techniques. For example:

brew upgrade poly

Or, optionally, specify the tap:

brew upgrade polyfy/polylith/poly

Stand-alone Linux

  1. Download the latest release, e.g. poly-0.2.21.jar.

  2. Update the poly shell script you created during installation to reference the new jar.

Stand-alone Windows

  1. Download the latest release, e.g. poly-0.2.21.jar.

  2. Update the poly.bat file you created during installation to reference the new jar.

Stand-alone Nix

Use standard Nix upgrade techniques. For example:

nix-channel --update

Followed by:

nix-env -u polylith

As Dependency

Update your polylith/clj-poly dependency in your ./deps.edn to the current version.

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