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Being a collection of common jdbc utility code we use at Puppet Labs.


Lazy connection pool

The pool namespace provides functions to create a hikaricp connection pool that is lazily initialized witha user-provided init function, and which will not hand out connections until that function has run.

(let [timeout-ms-when-starting 5000
      ;; Accepts most hikari options, with clojure style names.
      options {:pool-name "app-pool-1"
               :jdbc-url "jdbc:postgresql:the_gibson"
               :username "eugene"
               :password "god"}
      init-fn (fn [db] (migrate-database db))
      db-pool (pool/connection-pool-with-delayed-init
               (pool/options->hikari-config options)
  ;; ... wait a while, do some work ...
  (jdbc/query db-pool ["SELECT * FROM garbage_files;"]))

The database pool is wrapped in a future which loops attempting to connect to the database. Once it connects, it runs init-fn, passing in the datasource in a map as java.jdbc expects it ({:datasource datasource}). Once the init function completes, the pool future is realized and it will hand out connections transparently. If a connection is requested before the future is realized, it will wait for the configured timeout (the third argument to connection-pool-with-delayed-init) for it to become realized, and if it times out raise a java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException.


Several functions are provided to configure the pool using either a database spec (such as java.jdbc would use) or hikari options. See the docstrings for pool/spec->options and pool/options->hikari-config. The pool/connection-pool-with-delayed-init function expects a native HikariConfig object.


The pool also implements a status protocol (pool/PoolStatus) to check its state and whether the initialization function was successful. The status method will return a map representing the current pool health. Before the pool is finished initializing the map will be:

{:state :starting}

Once started the state becomes :ready or :error. When in an error state, an additional :messages key will be present containing one or more error messages. For example:

{:state :error
 :messages ["Initialization resulted in an error: A rabbit's in the system."]}

When the initialization function throws an exception, the pool will continue to function normally but the status will show an error state. The exception message will appear under :messages, and the full exception object can be retrieved by calling init-error on the pool.

The status is implemented using an io.dropwizard.metrics HealthCheckRegistry. If one is provided to the hikari config under :health-check-registry it will be used, otherwise one will be created automatically.


The pool implements a lifetime protocol (pool/PoolLifetime) to provide methods of determining if the initialization is complete, cancelling the initialization if possible, or waiting on the completion of the initialization. Additionally a new close interface close-after-ready waits to close the datasource until the init routine is complete.

Before the initialization is complete init-complete? returns false. If the initialization routine finishes, fails or was cancelled, init-complete? returns true.

cancel-init will attempt to cancel the async initialization process and return true if it was cancelled, or false if it wasn't. If the init routine has already completed, cancel-init returns false.

close-after-ready has two forms, one that will block forever until the init routine completes, or one that accepts a timeout in milliseconds. If the timeout is exceeded prior to the init completing, the routine will attempt to cancel the init and then immediately close the connection.


To file a bug, please open a Jira ticket against this project. Bugs and PRs are addressed on a best-effort basis. Puppet Inc. does not guarantee support for this project.

Running tests

You'll need PostgreSQL installed (9.4 is the mainly-used version for us right now), and set up a "jdbc_util_test" DB and user "jdbc_util_test" with password "foobar" that has the permission to create databases and users.

To give the "jdbc_util_test" and "migrator" users permission to create databases, open up a psql session and then run:



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