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  • add new functions for conversion of milliseconds to seconds, minutes, hours and days, along with a set of logical corresponding matrix of those units


  • add new functions duration-str->seconds and duration-str->Duration to calculate duration values in the style of Puppet duration settings resulting in an integer and a java.time.Duration respectively
  • add new function safe-parse-int to convert a number or string representing a to a number
  • update clj-parent to 5.6.14


  • in atomic-write ensure the writer is closed if the write-function throws an exception.


  • change use of, which is now deprecated, to
  • add function get-lein-project-version to retrieve a given project version from the standard lein system properties.
  • mark deprecated interfaces with metadata deprecation
  • add 'unzip-file' routine to the files namespace to decompress zipped files
  • add 'untar-file' routine to the files namespace to decompress tar files
  • update clj-parent to 5.6.6
  • remove reflection use in atomic-write
  • add function delete-recursively to the files namespace to recursively delete a directory


  • add clj-kondo linting, eastwood linting, and PR testing
  • address issues identified by clj-kondo, and eastwood
  • add function equivalent of puppet's versioncmp function, and helper functions for to determine if strings have all numeric characters and if strings start with a leading zero.


  • add conversion functions from string -> ZonedDateTime -> string to facilitate the removal of clj-time
  • update clj-parent to 5.3.7


  • Update ini4j to 0.5.4 to address a Denial of Service vulnerability (CVE-2022-41404).


This is a minor feature release.

  • Add key->str function to convert keywords to strings


  • Add base-type function that returns the base type from an HTTP Content-Type header.


  • Update clj-parent to resolve some outdated dependencies with security issues.


  • Don't select an open port from the ephemeral range in open-port-num.


This is a minor feature release.

  • Add a function for atomic file writes



  • Update dependencies to take up clj-parent 4


This is a minor maintenance release.


  • Fix adding URLs to classpath under Java 9.


This is a minor maintenance release.


  • Fix symbol redef warnings under Clojure 1.9


This is a minor feature release.


  • add a stream->sha256 function for hashing the contents of an InputStream


This is a minor feature and improvement release.


  • add a utf8-string->sha256 function, directly analogous to utf8-string->sha1
  • add a file->sha256 function, equivalent to reading a file's contents as a UTF-8 string and hashing the result. Uses an InputStream internally to avoid reading the entire file into memory at once.


  • the open-port-num function should now return a random port number from the entire traditional ephemeral port range of 49152 through 65535.


This is a minor feature release.


  • add a parser for period strings (7d, 12h, etc) into Joda Periods
  • fix file connection leaks in the functions 'lines' and 'ini-to-map'


This is a minor feature release.


  • Add an assoc-if-new macro, which associates a map key to a value only if the key does not already exist in the map.
  • Add a deref-swap! function, which behaves like deref but returns the old value instead of the new one.
  • Add a rand-str function, for generating random strings from various character sets.


  • Update to dynapath 0.2.5, to address some compatibility issues with Java 9.


The 2.1.1 release was burned and folded into 2.2.0.


This is a minor feature release.


  • Add an open-port-num function, which returns a currently open port. Tests that bind services to ports can use this to guard against chance port collisions.


This is a bugfix release which contains one backward incompatible change.

Bug fix:

  • Changes all of the maps in various slingshot errors thrown to use :kind and :msg in place of :type and :message, respectively.


This is a minor feature release, which also includes some bugfixes and maintenance work.


  • Add uuid? predicate function for determining whether a string is a valid UUID.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix an issue in with-additional-classpath-entries wherein it's pre/post-conditions were not handling arguments properly.


  • Reduce use of reflection
  • Remove unused plugins and jenkins scripts
  • Switch to lein-parent for managing dependency versions


This is a maintenance release.

  • Remove retired :flag option from cli tooling, to eliminate warnings on CLI invocations.
  • Bump to org.clojure/tools.cli 0.3.3.


This is a maintenance / minor feature release.

  • TK-315 - update to latest version of raynes.fs to reduce downstream dependency conflicts.
  • Add an absolute-path fn to replace the one that was removed from raynes.fs
  • Add a normalized-path fn to replace the one that was removed from raynes.fs


  • Add temp-file-name function, which returns a unique name to a temporary file, but does not actually create the file.
  • Add with-timeout macro, which returns a default value if executing an arbitrary block of code takes longer than a specified timeout.


  • Add new walk-leaves function for applying a function to all of the leaf nodes of a map
  • Add new zipper? predicate which can be used to assert that an object is a clojure zipper.
  • Add new while-let macro
  • Add new rand-weighted-selection function
  • Add new to-sentence variant of string join


  • Promoting previous release to 1.0.0 so that we can be more deliberate about adhering to semver from now on.


  • Add 'filter-map' function that can be used to filter maps


  • Change mkdirs! to allow string as path arg (7097bb3)
  • Add a new dissoc-in function, for removing data from nested maps.


  • Add a new to-bool function, which provides a more tolerant way to coerce data to booleans


  • Upgrade fs dependency to 1.4.5 (to standardize across projects)
  • Add mkdirs! function to create parent directories with better failure reporting
  • Move temp file functions from testutils to core



  • Upgrade cheshire dependency to version 5.3.1.


  • .ini parsing utilities now throw an Exception if a key appears in the file(s) more than once.
  • Added a with-no-jvm-shutdown-hooks macro for running a block of code without any JVM shutdown hooks.


  • Minor change to the cli! function so that, in addition to the data that it already returned, it now also returns a string representation of a banner/usage summary. Callers can use this to display a help message if additional validation of the cli args fails.
  • Utility functions added to ssl namespace that allow creation of an SSLContext or a KeyStore/TrustStore directly from the pem files.
  • Added some JSON utility functions
  • Added a deep-merge utility function

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
jonathannewman, Chris Price, Wyatt Alt, Kevin Corcoran, Steve Axthelm, Michael Smith, Rob Browning, Justin Holguin, Maggie Dreyer, Russell Mull, Jeremy Barlow, Patrick Carlisle, Nate Wolfe, Nick Lewis & Edward Betts
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