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  • add interface for cron to the protocol and implementation to allow for jobs on a cadence specified by a cron string
  • add interface for cron-next-valid-time to the potocol and implementation to query the next occurance of a given cron specification.


  • updates clj-parent and drops support for java 8


  • unreleased


  • ensure a non-nil function is passed to scheduling routines


  • add testing for java 11, disambiguate StdScheduleFactory constructor


  • use a unique scheduler rather than the default scheduler


  • add interface for interval and interval-after to the protocol and implementation to allow regular cadance jobs.
  • add support for thread-count configuration value that defaults to 10


  • exclude c3p0 from dependencies, it isn't used.


  • switch from at/at to the Quartz schedule library
  • update clj-parent and drop support for java 7
  • reimplement the group-id mapping using quartz internals
  • add interface for listing the exiting job identifiers


  • Add the concept of group-id to the job creation endpoints to allow jobs to be grouped together for listing and cancellation.
  • Fix a potential memory leak with jobs created using after
  • Add an interface to return the total number of jobs and the number of jobs in a group-id


  • Initial release

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
jonathannewman & Arthur Lawson
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