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Wisp Compiler

This lets you compile wisp forms (or strings) into Javascript

Clojars Project


This allows you to embed Clojure-flavoured JavaScript into your hiccup, pages, e.g.:

(require '[wisp-compiler.core :as wisp])

    [:button {:onclick (wisp/compile [] (hello-world))} "Hello!"]
    [:script (wisp-compile
      (defn hello-world []
        (alert (str :Hello " World!"))))]])

which will compile into

    <button onclick="helloWorld();">Hello!</button>
        var helloWorld = function helloWorld() {
            return alert('' + 'Hello' + ' World!');

Okay, but show me something useful

Compiling sexps into JavaScript is neat by itself, but sometimes you want to generate JavaScript dynamically on the server (e.g. for Server-generated JavaScript Responses). In this case you may have held your nose and just concatenated a bunch of strings. Here is a snippet from one of my projects (don't judge):

(defn upvote-comment [commentid]
  (javascript-response (str "var newEl = document.createElement('span');"
                            "newEl.innerText = 'Upvoted!';"
                            "var el = document.getElementById(\"" commentid "\").querySelector(\"a.upvote\");"
                            "if(el) el.replaceWith(newEl);"))

With wisp, this can (and should!) be rewritten like this:

(defn upvote-comment [cid]
    (wisp/compile [commentid cid]
        (let [new-el (document.createElement "span")
              el     (document.getElementById commentid)
              upvote (.querySelector el "a.upvote")]
          (if el
            (el.replaceWith new-el))))))

Which will result in JavaScript like this:

// (upvote-comment "my-comment-id")

(function () {
    var newElø1 = document.createElement('span');
    var elø1 = document.getElementById('my-comment-id');
    var upvoteø1 = elø1.querySelector('a.upvote');
    return elø1 ? elø1.replaceWith(newElø1) : void 0;

As you can see, the symbols referenced in the initial binding vector get automatically evaluated and inserted into the expression. This way you can not only write your JavaScript with sweet, sweet parentheses, you will also get the sexps syntax-highlighted, and you don't have to mess around with string manipulation!

Advanced usage

To use the more advanced Wisp features, you'll need to include the runtime, the sequence and string libraries into the page. This should be possible by including the resources/wisp/{runtime,sequence,string}.js files into the page (in this order).

For caching reasons, you should probably just copy them into your public folder, but for convenience I am also exposing them as wisp-runtime, wisp-sequence, wisp-string, and altogether as wisp-includes functions that return these files as strings


The symbol of the resolution of the compile macro is dumb and will replace the given symbol with its value no matter where in the source code it is. So if you expect to be able to shadow bindings in a nested scope somewhere, it will most likely break. This is for short snippets, and you are very much responsible for reading them after compilation and making sure they work. Don't blame me if your code reaks!

Compiling wisp

In the resources/wisp directory, run make compiler to re-compile the wisp compiler

Copyright © 2018 Maximilian Gerlach

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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