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When doing incrementing within a stateful map-indexed transducer and fold over (vec (range 0 100)):

VOLATILE duplicates after a while and only gets to 84

UNSYNC duplicates almost immediately and gets to 97

ATOMIC no duplicates, and gets to 99

Alex Miller:

While transducing processes may provide locking to cover the visibility of state updates in a stateful transducer, transducers should still use stateful constructs that ensure visibility (by using volatile, atoms, etc). [core.async] operations are covered by the channel lock which should guarantee visibility. Transducers used within a go block (via something like transduce or into) occur eagerly and don't incur any switch in threads so just fall back to the same old expectations of single-threaded use and visibility. Note that there are a couple of stateful transducers that use ArrayList (partition-by and partition-all). From my last conversation with Rich, he said those should really be changed to protect themselves better with volatile or something else. I thought I wrote up a ticket for this but looks like maybe I didn't, so I will take care of that.

;___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;=================================================={ MULTIREDUCIBLES }===================================================== ;=================================================={ with support for /fold/ }===================================================== ; From wagjo, - Apr 7, 2014 (comment (def s1 "Hello World") (def s2 "lllllllllll") ;; create multireducible with zip (seq (zip s1 s2)) ;; => ((\H \l) (\e \l) (\l \l) (\l \l) (\o \l) (\space \l) (\W \l) (\o \l) (\r \l) (\l \l) (\d \l)) ;; /indexed/ is an alias for (zip (range) coll) (def indexed (partial zip (range))) ; my own code (seq (indexed s1)) ;; => ((0 \H) (1 \e) (2 \l) (3 \l) (4 \o) (5 \space) (6 \W) (7 \o) (8 \r) (9 \l) (10 \d))

;; you can have more than 2 collections in the multireducible (reduce conj [] (indexed s1 s2)) ;; => [(0 \H \l) (1 \e \l) (2 \l \l) (3 \l \l) (4 \o \l) (5 \space \l) (6 \W \l) (7 \o \l) (8 \r \l) (9 \l \l) (10 \d \l)]

;; reduce can work on tuples (as seen above), or can work on individual elements (reduce conj [] (unpacked (indexed s1 s2))) ;; => [0 \H \l 1 \e \l 2 \l \l 3 \l \l 4 \o \l 5 \space \l 6 \W \l 7 \o \l 8 \r \l 9 \l \l 10 \d \l]

;; lets find index where both strings have same character (let [s (unpacked (indexed s1 s2)) f (fn [index ch1 ch2] (when (= ch1 ch2) index))] (into [] (keep f s))) ;; => [2 3 9]

;; some multireducibles also support folding, both with tuples and individual elements (let [s (unpacked (indexed s1 s2)) combinef (fn ([] []) ([a b] [a b])) reducef (fn [val index ch1 ch2] (if (= ch1 ch2) (conj val index) val))] (fold+ 5 combinef reducef s)) ;; => [[2 3] [[] [9]]]

;; maps can behave like multireducibles too (reduce conj [] (unpacked {:foo 1 :bar 2 :baz 3})) ;; => [:baz 3 :bar 2 :foo 1]

;; and did I mention multireducibles are very fast? (time (let [mr (indexed (range -1000000 1000000) (range 1000000 -1000000 -1)) f (fn [index v1 v2] (when (== v1 v2) index))] (into [] (keep f (unpacked mr))))) ;; => [1000000] "Elapsed time: 356.012467 msecs" ; USE KEEP+ ;;* patch to clojure is needed to support this feature ; from - May 2, 2014 (defn fold-sectionable "Perform fold on sectionable collection." ([coll pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode] (fold-sectionable coll pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode section)) ; SECTION??? ([coll pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode section] (fold-sectionable coll pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode section count)) ([coll pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode section count] (let [cnt (count coll) reduce (reduce-from-mode reduce-mode) n (max 1 n)] (cond (empty? coll) (combinef) (<= cnt n) (reduce reducef (combinef) coll) :else (let [split (quot cnt 2) v1 (section coll 0 split) v2 (section coll split cnt) fc (fn [child] #(-fold child pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode))] (invoke pool #(let [f1 (fc v1) t2 (fork (fc v2))] (combinef (f1) (join t2)))))))))

(deftype ZipIterator [^:unsynchronized-mutable iters] IOpenAware (-open? [this] (every? open? iters)) ; open? IReference (-deref [this] (apply tuple (map deref iters))) ; tuple IIterator (-next! [this] (set! iters (seq (map next! iters))) this)) ; next!

(deftype FoldableZip [colls] IRed (-reduce [this f init] (loop [iters (seq (map iterator colls)) val init] (if (every? open? iters) (reduced-let [ret (f val (apply tuple (map deref iters)))] (recur (seq (map next! iters)) ret)) val))) IIterable (-iterator [this] (->ZipIterator (seq (map iterator colls)))) IUnpackedRed (-reduce-unpacked [this f init] (loop [iters (seq (map iterator colls)) val init] (if (every? open? iters) (reduced-let [ret (apply f val (map deref iters))] (recur (seq (map next! iters)) ret)) val))) IFoldable (-fold [coll pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode] (fold-sectionable coll pool n combinef reducef reduce-mode)) ISectionable (-section [this new-begin new-end] (let [l (count this) new-end (prepare-ordered-section new-begin new-end l)] (if (and (zero? new-begin) (== new-end l)) this (->FoldableZip (map #(section % new-begin new-end) colls))))) ICounted (-count [this] (apply min (map count colls)))))

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