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Quil middleware.

Quil middleware.
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(fun-mode options)

Introduces function mode. Adds 'update' function which takes current state and returns new state. Makes all other functions (setup, draw, mouse-click, etc) state-aware. See wiki for more details.

Introduces function mode. Adds 'update' function which takes current
state and returns new state. Makes all other functions (setup, draw,
mouse-click, etc) state-aware. See wiki for more details.
sourceraw docstring

(navigation-2d options)

Enables navigation over 2D sketch. Drag mouse to change the center of the sketch and mouse wheel controls zoom. This middleware requires fun-mode.


You can customize this middleware by providing map as :navigation-2d option in defsketch/sketch. Map can have following optional keys:

:position - vector of 2 numbers, x and y - center of the screen. Default is width/2, height/2.

:zoom - number indicating current zoom level. Default is 1.

Accessing position information from sketch

navigation-2d uses fun-mode under the hood so all position-related information is stored in the state map. It means that you can access in draw/update/any handler and modify it if you need to. Position information is a map which is stored under :navigation-2d key in the state map. Position consists of 2 values: :position and :zoom. See "Customization" section above for more details.

Usage example:

(q/defsketch my-sketch ... :middleware [m/fun-mode m/navigation-2d])

Enables navigation over 2D sketch. Drag mouse to change the center of the
sketch and mouse wheel controls zoom. This middleware requires fun-mode.


You can customize this middleware by providing map as
:navigation-2d option in defsketch/sketch. Map can have following
optional keys:

:position - vector of 2 numbers, x and y - center of the screen.
            Default is width/2, height/2.

:zoom - number indicating current zoom level. Default is 1.

Accessing position information from sketch

navigation-2d uses fun-mode under the hood so all position-related
information is stored in the state map. It means that you can access in
draw/update/any handler and modify it if you need to. Position
information is a map which is stored under :navigation-2d key in the
state map. Position consists of 2 values: :position and :zoom.
See "Customization" section above for more details.

Usage example:

(q/defsketch my-sketch
  :middleware [m/fun-mode m/navigation-2d])
sourceraw docstring

(navigation-3d options)

Enables navigation in 3D space. Similar to how it is done in shooters: WASD navigation, space is go up, drag mouse to look around. This middleware requires fun-mode.


  • Drag mouse to look around. You can change settings to bind mouse-moved instead of mouse-dragged to look around. See customization info below.

  • Keyboard:

    • w - go forward
    • s - go backward
    • a - strafe left
    • d - strafe right
    • space - go up
    • z - go down, can't bind to ctrl, limitation of Processing


You can customize this middleware by providing map as :navigation-3d option in defsketch/sketch. Map can have following optional keys:

:position - vector of 3 numbers, initial camera position. Default is the same as in 'camera' function.

:straight - vector of 3 numbers, direction you'll be looking at. Default is [0 0 -1] (looking down).

:up - vector of 3 numbers, 'up' direction. Default is [0 1 0].

:pixels-in-360 - number, mouse sensitivity. Defines how many pixels you need to move/drag you mouse to rotate 360 degrees. The less the number the more sensitive is mouse. Default is 1000.

:step-size - number, number of pixels you move on each key event (wasd). Default is 20.

:rotate-on - keyword, either :mouse-dragged or :mouse-moved. Specifies on which mouse event camera should rotate. Default is :mouse-dragged.

Accessing position information from sketch

navigation-3d uses fun-mode under the hood so all position-related information is stored in the state map. It means that you can access in draw/update/any handler and modify it if you need to. Position information is a map which is stored under :navigation-3d key in the state map. Position consists of 3 values: :position, :straight and :up. See "Customization" section above for more details.

Usage example:

(q/defsketch my-sketch ... :middleware [m/fun-mode m/navigation-3d])

See wiki article for more(?) details:

Enables navigation in 3D space. Similar to how it is done in
shooters: WASD navigation, space is go up, drag mouse to look around.
This middleware requires fun-mode.


* Drag mouse to look around. You can change settings to bind
  mouse-moved instead of mouse-dragged to look around. See
  customization info below.

* Keyboard:
  * w - go forward
  * s - go backward
  * a - strafe left
  * d - strafe right
  * space - go up
  * z - go down, can't bind to ctrl, limitation of Processing


You can customize this middleware by providing map as
:navigation-3d option in defsketch/sketch. Map can have following
optional keys:

:position - vector of 3 numbers, initial camera position. Default
            is the same as in 'camera' function.

:straight - vector of 3 numbers, direction you'll be looking at.
            Default is [0 0 -1] (looking down).

:up - vector of 3 numbers, 'up' direction. Default is [0 1 0].

:pixels-in-360 - number, mouse sensitivity. Defines how many pixels
                 you need to move/drag you mouse to rotate 360 degrees.
                 The less the number the more sensitive is mouse.
                 Default is 1000.

:step-size - number, number of pixels you move on each key event (wasd).
             Default is 20.

:rotate-on - keyword, either :mouse-dragged or :mouse-moved. Specifies
             on which mouse event camera should rotate. Default is

Accessing position information from sketch

navigation-3d uses fun-mode under the hood  so all position-related
information is stored in the state map. It means that you can access in
draw/update/any handler and modify it if you need to. Position
information is a map which is stored under :navigation-3d key in the
state map. Position consists of 3 values: :position, :straight and :up.
See "Customization" section above for more details.

Usage example:

(q/defsketch my-sketch
  :middleware [m/fun-mode m/navigation-3d])

See wiki article for more(?) details:
sourceraw docstring


(pause-on-error options)

Pauses sketch if any of user-provided handlers throws error. It allows to fix the error on the fly and continue sketch. May be good alternative to default '500ms pause if exception' behaviour.

Pauses sketch if any of user-provided handlers throws error.
It allows to fix the error on the fly and continue sketch.
May be good alternative to default '500ms pause if exception'
sourceraw docstring

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