(default-key-pressed state e)
Prevent the default behaviour of esc closing the sketch and add the pressed key to the list of currently held keys.
Prevent the default behaviour of esc closing the sketch and add the pressed key to the list of currently held keys.
(default-key-released state e)
Remove the released key from the list of currently held keys.
Remove the released key from the list of currently held keys.
(key-pressed {:keys [input-enabled? scenes current-scene] :as state} e)
Reduce applying a handler function:
(f state e)
accross the collection of :key-pressed-fns
in the current scene.
Reduce applying a handler function: (f state e) accross the collection of `:key-pressed-fns` in the current scene.
(key-released {:keys [input-enabled? scenes current-scene] :as state} e)
Reduce applying a handler function:
(f state e)
accross the collection of :key-released-fns
in the current scene.
Reduce applying a handler function: (f state e) accross the collection of `:key-released-fns` in the current scene.
(mouse-pressed {:keys [input-enabled? scenes current-scene] :as state} e)
Reduce applying a handler function:
(f state e)
accross the collection of :mouse-pressed-fns
in the current scene.
Reduce applying a handler function: (f state e) accross the collection of `:mouse-pressed-fns` in the current scene.
(mouse-released {:keys [input-enabled? scenes current-scene] :as state} e)
Reduce applying a handler function:
(f state e)
accross the collection of :mouse-released-fns
in the current scene.
Reduce applying a handler function: (f state e) accross the collection of `:mouse-released-fns` in the current scene.
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