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Simple pattern to organize the state in your rum application.


React models web UIs as pure functions of state. We write a function that given some state will return a representation of HTML, and then React will make sure that our HTML makes it into the webpage somehow. React doesn't tell us how to change the state so that the UI changes.

Within the JavaScript world there are several options: Flux, Redux, etc. ClojureScript also has many options: Reagent/re-frame,, etc. Elm has one way, the Elm Architecture. I like the Elm Architecture and I would like to follow a similar pattern when using rum, a very simple React wrapper. rao offers that.


(ns my.project
  (:require [rum.core :as rum :refer [defc defcs]]
            [rao.rum :as rao]))

;; Your application starts with this value as local state

(def initial-state {:counter 0})

;; Every time you want the state to change, you use the function `d!`,
;; for dispatch event:

;;   (d! :action {:data "something"})

;; That will:

;; 1. Apply `step` to the current `state` of the application
;; `step` should be a pure function, free of side-effects

;; 2. Replace the current state with whatever `step` returned

(defn step [state [action data]]
  (case action
    :count (update state :counter inc)))

;; 3. Call `effect!` where we get a chance to do side-effects:

(defn effect! [state [action data]]
  (case action
    :count (println "you counted")

;; 4. Re-render the component with the new `state`

(defcs my-counter <

  ;; we wire `initial-state`, `step`, `effect!` things together
  ;; in a mixin
  (rao/wire initial-state step effect!)

  ;; the render function of the component now has access to
  ;; the `state` and `d!`, the dispatch function that kicks off the
  ;; rao process

  [{:keys [rao/state rao/d!]} props]

    [:h1 "my counter "]
    [:h2 (:subtitle props)]
    [:pre (:counter state)]
    [:button {:on-click (fn [_]
                          (d! :count {}))}]])


Copyright © 2019 Sebastian Bensusan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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