(column-header-renderer {:keys [columns parts sort-by-column
column-header-height hover?]})
:column-header-renderer AND :top-left-renderer - Render the table header
:column-header-renderer AND :top-left-renderer - Render the table header
(criteria-compare a
{:keys [key-fn comp-fn order]
:or {key-fn :label order :asc comp-fn compare}})
(row-item row
{:keys [id width height align vertical-align row-label-fn] :as column}
Render a single row item (column) of a single row
Render a single row item (column) of a single row
(row-renderer {:keys [columns on-click-row on-enter-row on-leave-row striped?
row-height row-style cell-style parts table-row-line-color
row-index row]})
:row-renderer AND :row-header-renderer: Render a single row of the table data
:row-renderer AND :row-header-renderer: Render a single row of the table data
(simple-v-table & {:keys [src] :as static-args})
Render a v-table and introduce the concept of columns (provide a spec for each). Of the nine possible sections of v-table, this table only supports four: top-left (1), row-headers (2), col-headers (4) and rows (5) Note that row-style and cell-style can either be a style map or functions which return a style map:
Render a v-table and introduce the concept of columns (provide a spec for each). Of the nine possible sections of v-table, this table only supports four: top-left (1), row-headers (2), col-headers (4) and rows (5) Note that row-style and cell-style can either be a style map or functions which return a style map: - (row-style row) - (cell-style row col) where row is the data for that row and col is the definition map for that column
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