Committed but unreleased changes are put here, at the top. Older releases are detailed chronologically below.
: Fixed overflow behavior when behaving as a flex item.nested-grid
: Fixed :remove-empty-column-space?
and :remove-empty-row-space?
: Fixed sticky-top of row-headers when export-button is hiddennested-grid
: restored missing style for the cell-wrapper partnested-grid
alt-key debugging actually uses the alt-key (not ctrl).re-com.config/debug-parts?
(boolean): overrides goog.DEBUG to enable some debug features.
Currently, this only affects nested-grid. You can alt-click any cell to log its
(string): how to log. Options:
- Fix :show-export-button?
- Fix alignment when declared in column-headernested-grid
- Fix sticky-top when :sticky?
is truenested-grid
- alt-click a cell while in DEBUG mode to print its :column-path
and :row-path
- No longer aligns itself at the beginning of a flex container (i.e., removed ``align-self: flex-start`).nested-grid
- Row-header labels are now sticky within their grid areas.nested-grid
- :sticky?
is now a flex item, taking up as much vertical and horizontal space as possible.nested-grid
- :remove-empty-row-space?
and :remove-empty-column-space?
- Improved scroll performance with large gridsnested-grid
- now maximizes its vertical flex space by default.tree-select-dropdown
. Identical to 2.21.25.tree-select-dropdown
- Dynamic sizing WIP.nested-grid
- Export button stays mounted, even when :show-export-button?
is off.
This is useful when automating the export behavior by targeting the button with a click event.nested-grid
- Exports now make use of the :cell-value
function by default.nested-grid
- :on-export-column-header
now accepts a :column-path
prop (same for :on-export-row-header
- Renamed most of the parts (still unstable).nested-grid
- Fixed missing cell bordersnested-grid
- :theme-cells?
prop, useful to optimize render performance.nested-grid
- Optimized performance.nested-grid
- Header grid sizes are more correct.nested-grid
- nested headers render correctly again.nested-grid
- More parts, better themeing supportnested-grid
- optional :align
key for column-specs.nested-grid
- resizing columns works again (without rendering every cell).single-dropdown
- :drop-direction
prop. Overrides any behavior which would position the body dynamically. :up
or :above
positions the body above the anchor, :down
, :dn
or :below
positions it below.nested-grid
- optional :align-column
& :align-column-header
keys for column-specs.single-dropdown
- :can-drop-above?
now works again.dropdown
- New :show-backdrop
? prop. Defaults to nil
- The :backdrop
part is now purely visual. Clicking outside the anchor or body still closes the dropdown. Instead of :backdrop
, a global event handler now handles this behavior.datepicker-dropdown
- :parts
can now target the :anchor-label
- Added an optional :date-cell
argument. This is one of the new "part" arguments, acceping a string, a hiccup or a reagent component function.dropdown
- Removed :line-height
style from the theme. :line-height
was left-over from old bootstrap css. Bootstrap used it to achieve a semblance of vertical centering of text in the anchor. Since we use a re-com box, we can do vertical centering in a nicer way.
- More consistent handling of width/height props. :width
applies to both anchor and body, while :height
applies only to the body. You can override this behavior for specific parts using :anchor-width
, :anchor-height
, :body-width
and :body-height
- :height
, :body-height
& :body-width
component (alpha).dropdown
- Always drops down when not clipping. Before, this component would choose a body position closest to the vertical center of the viewport. Now, it chooses a position below the anchor, unless that would cause the body to clip.simple-v-table
- Renamed :row-export-fn
to :on-export-row-label-fn
- Fixed a runtime error when :expanded-groups
is not passed.tree-select-dropdown
- Now the anchor label uses a :span
, and doesn't underline on hover.tree-select-dropdown
- Tweaked styling, expanded the :label
part (alpha).tree-select-dropdown
- Added :on-group-expand
, :expanded-groups
& :show-only-button?
- Added :required?
, :show-reset-button?
, :on-reset
, :body-header
& :body-footer
- Fixed disabled style. Now disabled dropdowns appear greyed-out again.tree-select
- Fixed expander buttons not showing up in some browsers. Now they use svg, not unicode chars.single-dropdown
- Adjusted triangle indicator. Now uses svg, not a sprite.tree-select
- Fixed non-responsive behavior when passing :model
as value, (not a reagent/atom).simple-v-table
- Removed default header-labels, since they show up badly in existing apps. (#340)bb.edn
and deps.edn
(alpha) - new component for multidimensional tabular data viewing.dropdown
(alpha) - generic dropdown component.:theme
(alpha) - a general solution for themeing components.popover-tooltip
- added a prop for the color of each status.v-table
, simple-v-table
fixed performance drop when scrolling through sorted rows.simple-v-table
- :on-export
, :export-button-renderer
and :show-export-button?
- :parts
prop should work now. (#335)simple-v-table
- Shift-click multiple columns to sort hierarchically.simple-v-table
column headers now are now :vertical-align "center"simple-v-table
column headers now :align correctly. Also, :vertical-align now only affects cells, not headers.r/dom-node
with ref callbacks. (#329, #334) Thanks RolT for PR.:focus
outline on non-native components such as button
and single-dropdown
sortable column icons now only appear on hover. Requires copying updated re-com.css
to your
macro availability via :refer
so you can now simply do:(:require
[re-com.core :refer [at]])
macro eliding (i.e. return nil) in production builds.stack-spy
when no
Closure Define is provided in
the compiler configuration; i.e. do not log the URL as missing the required
information to create a valid URL.datepicker-dropdown
exception. Regression in 2.13.0.When upgrading any app to use this version, please update the following:
parameter. The debug page explains more. Note: where previously parameter validation errors raised exceptions, now components instead draw themselves as a red, placeholder box, and write error information to the devtools console. This is a gentler, more informative approach - exceptions are too jarring and result in a blizzard of confusing React stack traces in the
. The config page explains more.[simple-v-table]
. Column specifications can now, optionally include a :sort-by
including :required?
, :max-width
, :abbrev-fn
and :abbrev-characters
to [splitter]
. See #178[datepicker]
. See #109 Breaking the HTML structure for the datepicker
navigation section was changed and
certain CSS classes have been renamed/changed. If you have custom CSS selectors targeting these parts, you'll need to edit as follows:
to rc-datepicker-selectable
to rc-datepicker-disabled
to rc-datepicker-unselectable
(for unselectable days) or rc-datepicker-out-of-focus
(for days not in the current month)selected
to rc-datepicker-selected
to rc-datepicker-today
is false).[datepicker]
week number calculation with arbitrary :start-of-week
argument. See #159[tag-dropdown]
popover alignment is now centered under the component, rather than off to the left.disabled? true
state styling of [tag-dropdown]
disabled? true
state styling of [datepicker]
no longer ignores individual alert :style
argument. See #83[text/p]
is now an alias to [text/p-span]
. Externally this means no change. But interally, it is implemented using [:span]
instead of [:p]
(allowing you to embed boxes
etc). Breaking Because of the change in HTML elements used, your custom CSS selectors targetting p
elements will have to be changed to target span.rc-p
arguments :tag-width
, :tag-height
, :tag-comp
and :on-tag-click
. To fix, remove
use of these arguments from your code.:unselect-buttons?
to false
, if you want to maintain the old behaviour then add
:unselect-buttons? true
to the arguments passed to the component.[v-table]
and [simple-v-table]
Both of these components are still Alpha
. Iterative improvements have continued
causing some breaking changes.
Argument renames. This will break any CLJS code that pass the arguments to the components. To fix, change the arg to use the new name:
arg of simple-v-table
to :column-header-renderer
arg of v-table
and simple-v-table
to :max-width
arg of v-table
to :scroll-cols-into-view
arg of v-table
to :column-header-renderer
arg of v-table
to :column-header-height
arg of v-table
to :column-header-selection-fn
args that match :v-table-*
to :*
(in other words, remove v-table-
args that match :*-col-*
to :*-column-*
arg has been renamed :key-fn
and its default has been changed from :id
to nil
. If you leave it blank or pass nil, it will use the row's internally generated 0-based row-index instead of :key-fn:style-parts
arg of v-table
to :parts
. For example:
:style-parts {:v-table {:background-color "lightgrey"}}
;; becomes...
:parts {:wrapper {:style {:background-color "lightgrey"}}}
;; notice, the above also included a :v-table => :wrapper conversion
Rename :valign
in simple-v-table
specification to :vertical-align
match the associated CSS property. Fix the documentation and demos of the same.
arg of v-table
has been removed. You need to incorporate it into the :parts
arg. For example:
:attr-parts {:v-table-top-left {:on-click (handler-fn ...)}}
;; becomes...
:parts {:top-left {:attr {:on-click (handler-fn ...)}}}
;; notice, the above also included a :v-table-top-left => :top-left conversion
deref was broken in last release.[multi-select]
and [selection-list]
scrolling when disabled?
styling of disabled/unselectable vs days out of the current monthre-com.misc
ns. Replaced by re-com.checkbox
, re-com.input-text
, re-com.slider
and re-com.slider
. If you require re-com.misc
directly in your code, instead of using the
aliases in re-com.core
, then you will need to change that to the appropriate new namespace reference(s).:parts
argument to all components that are constructed from a hierarchy of elements. See 'Parts' section of
component pages at
. See
and simple-v-table
. See and
. See
to input-text
. Fixes #219.disabled?
styling of many components.showing?
. See #153disabled?
instead of component-path
has been removed upstream.reagent.dom/dom-node
instead of deprecated reagent.core/dom-node
.lein dev-auto
HTTP server is now index_dev.html
of a 404 error. Thanks to @mmower's report on
Clojurians.Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Kimo Knowles, Isaac Johnston, Mike Thompson, Gregg8, day8, hipitihop, Ronny Løvtangen & Gregg RamseyEdit on GitHub
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