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re-frame effect handlers related to browser window.


Add [district0x/re-frame-window-fx "1.0.0"] into your project.clj
Include [] in your CLJS file



Fires :dispatch when browser window is resized. Can set :debounce-ms for debouncing event, to prevent too frequent firings.
Default :debounce-ms is 166ms.
Dispatched event receives [js/window.innerWidth js/window.innerHeight] as a last arg.

  (fn []
    {:window/on-resize {:dispatch [::window-resized]
                        :debounce-ms 200}}))


Fires :dispatch when tab/window receives focus

  (fn []
    {:window/on-focus {:dispatch [::window-focused]}}))


Fires :dispatch when tab/window was blurred

  (fn []
    {:window/on-blur {:dispatch [::window-blurred]}}))


Fires :dispatch when location hash was changed

  (fn []
    {:window/on-hashchange {:dispatch [::window-hashchanged]}}))


Scroll window into x y coordinates

  (fn []
    {:window/scroll-to [100 200]}))


lein deps

# To run tests and rerun on changes
lein doo chrome tests

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