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A ClojureScript library for programming with Facebook's React framework. This is very different from David Nolen's Om framework.

Using it

Your project.clj should contain something like this:

  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha10" :scope "provided"]
                 [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.293" :scope "provided"]
				 [reacl "2.0.0"]]

API Documentation



The central idea of Reacl is this: Reacl programs are pure. They (mostly) do not need to call imperative functions to get anything done. This goes well with React's philosophy, but goes a step further as well as making programming more convenient.

This idea has immediate consequences on how Reacl organizes data that is communicated between components. In React, a component has properties and state, where properties typically carry arguments from one component to its subcomponents.

In Reacl, there are three different kinds of data:

  • application state managed by a component that represents something that's important to your application, rather than just being an aspect of the GUI
  • local state of a component, used to maintain GUI state not already tracked by the DOM
  • arguments passed from a component to its sub-components

(These can all be arbitrary ClojureScript objects, and are not restricted to JavaScript hashmaps.)

When a component wants to manipulate the application state, that typically happens inside an event handler: That event handler should send a message to the component - a value communicating what just happened. The component can declare a message handler that receives the message, and returns a new application state and/or new local state.

The key to tying these aspects together are the reacl2.core/defclass macro for defining a Reacl class (just a React component class, but implementing Reacl's internal protocols), and the reacl2.core/send-message! for sending a message to a component.

In addition to this core model, Reacl also provides a convenience layer on React's virtual dom. (The convenience layer can be used independently; also, any other convenience layer over React's virtual dom should be usable with Reacl.)


Reacl consists of three namespaces:

  • reacl2.core with Reacl's core programming model
  • reacl2.dom for conveniently constructing virtual DOM nodes in ClojureScript

The reacl2.dom namespace can be used independently. While reacl2.core depends on reacl2.dom, it could also be used directly with React's virtual-DOM API or other DOM binding.


Check out the very simple example for managing a to-do list in file examples/todo/core.cljs (don't expect TodoMVC). We use this namespace header:

(ns examples.todo.core
  (:require [reacl2.core :as reacl :include-macros true]
			[reacl2.dom :as dom :include-macros true]))

First of all, we define a record type for to-dos, with a unique id (needed to identify items to be deleted), a descriptive text and a flag indicating that it's done:

(defrecord Todo [id text done?])

Here is a component class for a single item, which allows marking the done? field as done and deleting that item:

(reacl/defclass to-do-item
  this todo [parent]
   [checkbox (dom/input
              {:type "checkbox"
               :value (:done? todo)
               :onchange #(reacl/send-message! this
                                               (.-checked (dom/dom-node this checkbox)))})]
   (dom/div checkbox
            (dom/button {:onclick #(reacl/send-message! parent (Delete. todo))}
            (:text todo)))
  (fn [checked?]
    (reacl/return :app-state
                  (assoc todo :done? checked?))))

The class is called to-do-item. Within the component code, the component is accessible as this, the component's application state is accessible as todo. Also, the component representing list of todo items that this item is a part of will be passed as an argument, accessible via the parameter parent.

The component class defines a render expression. The code creates an input DOM element, binds it to checkbox via dom/letdom (because the event handler will want to access via dom/dom-node), and uses that to create a div for the entire to-do item.

The message handler specified as the onChange attribute extracts the value of the checked flag, and sends it as a message to the component this with the reacl/send-message function.

That message eventually ends up in the handle-message function, which is expected to use reacl/return to construct a return value that communicates whether there's a new application state or local state. In this case, there's no local state, so the call to reacl/return only specifies a new application state via the :app-state keyword argument.

There is also an event handler attached to a Zap button, which is supposed to delete the item. For this, the component needs the help of the parent component that manages the list of components - only the parent component can remove the todo item from the list. The message it sends to parent is made from this record type:

(defrecord Delete [todo])

We'll need to handle this type of message in the class of the parent component.

For the list of todo items, we define a record type for the entire list of todos managed by the application, in addition to the id to be used for the next item:

(defrecord TodosApp [next-id todos])

The list component accepts the following messages in adddition to Delete:

(defrecord New-text [text])
(defrecord Submit [])
(defrecord Change [todo])

The New-text message says that the user has changed the text in the input field for the new todo item. The Submit button says that the user has pushed the Add button or pressed return to register a new todo item. The Change item says that a particular todo item has changed in some way - this will be sent when the user checks the "done" checkbox.

The to-do-app class manages both app state - the TodosApp object

  • and transient local state, the text the user is entering but has not completed yet. Here is the header of the class, along with the render method:
(reacl/defclass to-do-app
  this app-state []
  local-state [local-state ""]
   (dom/h3 "TODO")
   (dom/div (map (fn [todo]
                   (dom/keyed (str (:id todo))
							   (reacl/opt :reaction (reacl/reaction this ->Change))
                 (:todos app-state)))
    {:onsubmit (fn [e _]
                 (.preventDefault e)
                 (reacl/send-message! this (Submit.)))}
    (dom/input {:onchange 
                (fn [e]
                   (New-text. (.. e -target -value))))
                :value local-state})
     (str "Add #" (:next-id app-state)))))

To help React identify the individual to-do items in the list, it uses a list of dom/keyed elements that attach string keys to the individual items.

Each to-do-item component is instantiated by calling the class as a function, passing its app state (the individual todo item), and any further arguments - in this case this is passed for to-do-item's parent parameter. The reacl/opt argument provides options for its call, in this case specifying a reaction.

The reaction is a slightly restricted version of a callback that gets invoked whenever the component's app state changes. (Remember that a todo item's app state changes when the user toggles the done checkbox.) The reaction here (reacl/reaction this ->Change) - says that a message should be sent to this, the to-do-app component, and that the app-state (the todo item) should be wrapped using the ->Change constructor. So, a Change message is sent to the to-do-app component whenever an individual todo item changes.

This component supports two different user actions: By typing, the user submits a new description for the to-do item in progress. That is encoded with a New-text message. Also, the user can press return or press the Add button, which submits the current to-do item in a Submit message. The event handlers for these actions send these objects as messages.

The to-do-app class has more clauses in addition to render.

The local-state clauses gives the local state a name (in this case, local-state), and the expression "" initializes the text entered by the user to the empty string:

The handle-message function finally handles all the different message types. The New-text message leads to a new local state being returned:

  (fn [msg]
     (instance? New-text msg)
     (reacl/return :local-state (:text msg))

A Submit message leads to the text field to be cleared and the app state to be augmented by the new todo item, generating a fresh id:

     (instance? Submit msg)
     (let [next-id (:next-id app-state)]
       (reacl/return :local-state ""
                     (assoc app-state
                       (concat (:todos app-state)
                               [(Todo. next-id local-state false)])
                       :next-id (+ 1 next-id))))

The Delete message sent by an item prompts the message handler to remove that item from the list:

     (instance? Delete msg)
     (let [id (:id (:todo msg))]
       (reacl/return :app-state
                     (assoc app-state
                       (remove (fn [todo] (= id (:id todo)))
                               (:todos app-state)))))

Finally, the Change message leads to the todo item in question to be replaced by the new version:

     (instance? Change msg)
     (let [changed-todo (:todo msg)
           changed-id (:id changed-todo)]
       (reacl/return :app-state
                     (assoc app-state
                       :todos (mapv (fn [todo]
                                      (if (= changed-id (:id todo) )
                                    (:todos app-state))))))))

That's it. Hopefully that's enough to get you started. Be sure to also check out the products example or the comments example


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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