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Supporting macros for Reacl.

Supporting macros for Reacl.

This namespace contains the Reacl core functionality.

Define classes with the macros defclass or class.

Create return values for a message handler or livecycle methods with return and merge-returned. The auxiliary functions for return values returned-actions, returned-app-state, returned-local-state, returned-messages, returned? will usually only be needed in unit tests.

In event handlers you will usually need to call send-message!.

To instantiate classes that have app-state you need to create bindings with bind, bind-local, use-reaction or use-app-state, and sometimes reactions with reaction or pass-through-reaction.

Sometimes modifications of the created elements are needed via keyed, refer, [[redirect-actions]], reduce-action, action-to-message or map-action.

To finally render a class to the DOM use render-component and handle-toplevel-action.

An older API consists of the functions opt, opt?, no-reaction.

This namespace contains the Reacl core functionality.

Define classes with the macros [[defclass]] or [[class]].

Create return values for a message handler or livecycle methods with [[return]] and [[merge-returned]].
The auxiliary functions for return values [[returned-actions]], [[returned-app-state]],
[[returned-local-state]], [[returned-messages]], [[returned?]] will usually only be needed in unit tests.

In event handlers you will usually need to call [[send-message!]].

To instantiate classes that have app-state you need to create bindings with [[bind]],
[[bind-local]], [[use-reaction]] or [[use-app-state]], and sometimes reactions with [[reaction]] or [[pass-through-reaction]].

Sometimes modifications of the created elements are needed via [[keyed]], [[refer]],
[[redirect-actions]], [[reduce-action]], [[action-to-message]] or [[map-action]].

To finally render a class to the DOM use [[render-component]] and [[handle-toplevel-action]].

An older API consists of the functions [[opt]], [[opt?]], [[no-reaction]].
raw docstring


(action-to-message elem target)
(action-to-message elem target pred)

Clones the given element so that actions are sent as messages to the given target component. If a function pred is given, then it is applied to each action, and if it returns a truthy value that value is sent as a message to target. Otherwise the action is passed upwards.

Clones the given element so that actions are sent as messages to
the given `target` component. If a function `pred` is given, then
it is applied to each action, and if it returns a truthy value that
value is sent as a message to `target`. Otherwise the action is
passed upwards.
sourceraw docstring


(bind parent)
(bind parent lens)

Returns a binding that embeds a child's app-state into the app-state of the given parent component using the given lens, which defaults to the identity lens.

Returns a binding that embeds a child's app-state into the
app-state of the given `parent` component using the given `lens`,
which defaults to the identity lens.
sourceraw docstring


(bind-local parent)
(bind-local parent lens)

Returns a binding that embeds a child's app-state into the local-state of the given parent component using the given lens, which defaults to the identity lens.

Returns a binding that embeds a child's app-state into the
local-state of the given `parent` component using the given `lens`,
which defaults to the identity lens.
sourceraw docstring


(binding? v)

Returns true if v is a binding.

Returns true if v is a binding.
sourceraw docstring


(class ?name & ?stuff)

Create a Reacl class.

The syntax is

(class <name> <this-name> <app-state-name>? [<param> ...]
  <clause> ...)

<name> is a name for the class, for debugging purposes.

This is equivalent to defclass but without binding the new class to a variable. The name specified here should be a string instead, and is used as the display name of the class.

Create a Reacl class.

The syntax is

    (class <name> <this-name> <app-state-name>? [<param> ...]
      <clause> ...)

`<name>` is a name for the class, for debugging purposes.

This is equivalent to [[defclass]] but without binding the new class
to a variable. The `name` specified here should be a string instead,
and is used as the display name of the class.
sourceraw docstring


(class-name class)

Returns the display name of the given Reacl class

Returns the display name of the given Reacl class
sourceraw docstring


(defclass ?name & ?stuff)

Defines a Reacl class.

The syntax is

(defclass <name> <this-name> <app-state-name>? [<param> ...]
  <clause> ...)

<name> is the symbol the class is bound to, and is used together with the current namespace as the display name of the class for debugging purposes.

The presence of app-state-name determines if the class has an app-state or not.

Each <clause> has the format <clause-name> <clause-arg>. More specifically, it can be one of the following:

 render <renderer-exp>
 local [<local-name> <local-expr>] ...]
 local-state [<local-state-name> <initial-state-exp>]
 refs [<ref-name> ...]
 validate <validation-expr>
 handle-message <messager-handler-exp>
 <lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp>

Of these, only the render clause is mandatory, all the others are optional.

A number of names are bound in the various clauses:

  • <this-name> is bound to the component object itself
  • <app-state-name> is bound to the app-state of the component
  • the <param> ... names are the explicit arguments of instantiations
  • the <local-name> names are bound to the values of the <local-expr> expressions, which can refer to the variables above
  • <local-state-name> is bound to the component-local state if there is a local-state clause

A local clause allows binding additional local variables upon instantiation. The syntax is analogous to let.

A local-state clause allows specifying a variable for the component's local state, along with an expression for the value of its initial value.

A refs clause specifies names for references to sub-components, which can be associated with components via ref attributes or refer in the render expression.

<renderer-exp> is an expression that renders the component, and hence must return a virtual dom node.

<validation-exp> is evaluated on each instantiation of the class for its side-effects, which may be raising an error or an assertion, if the app-state or the arguments violate some invariant.

The handle-message function accepts a message sent to the component via send-message! or return. It's expected to return a value specifying a new application state, a new component-local state, actions or new messages, or a combination there of, via return.

A class can be invoked as a function to yield a component. If the class does not have an app-state, it just takes values for the paramters, like ordinary function applications:

(<class> <arg> ...)

If the class has an app-state, then a binding has to be specified as the first argument, followed by values for the paramters:

(<class> <binding> <arg> ...)

The binding specifies what the app-state of the component will be, as well as how to handle changes to the app-state by that component. Bindings are created with bind, [[bind-locally]] and use-reaction, and rarely with use-app-state.

A lifecycle method can be one of:

component-will-mount component-did-mount component-will-receive-args should-component-update? component-will-update component-did-update component-will-unmount

These correspond to React's lifecycle methods, see here:

(component-will-receive-args is similar to componentWillReceiveProps.)

Each right-hand-side <lifecycle-method-exp>s should evaluate to a function. The arguments, which slightly differ from the corresponding React methods, can be seen in the following list:

(component-will-mount) The component can send itself messages in this method, or optionally return a new state via return. If that changes the state, the component will only render once.

(component-did-mount) The component can update its DOM in this method. It can also return a new state via return, but you should take extra care to not create an endless loop of updates here.

(component-will-receive-args next-arg1 next-arg2 ...) The component has the chance to update its local state in this method by sending itself a message or optionally return a new state via return.

(should-component-update? next-app-state next-local-state next-arg1 next-arg2 ...) This method should return if the given new values should cause an update of the component (if render should be evaluated again). If it's not specified, a default implementation will do a (=) comparison with the current values. Implement this, if you want to prevent an update on every app-state change for example.

(component-will-update next-app-state next-local-state next-arg1 next-arg2 ...) Called immediately before an update.

(component-did-update prev-app-state prev-local-state prev-arg1 prev-arg2 ...) Called immediately after an update. The component can update its DOM here.

(component-will-unmount) The component can cleanup it's DOM here for example.

Note that for classes that don't have an app-state or local-state, the corresponding arguments to these livecycle methods will simply be nil.


  (defrecord New-text [text])
  (defrecord Submit [])
  (defrecord Change [todo])

  (reacl/defclass to-do-app
    this app-state []

    local-state [local-state ""]

     (dom/h3 "TODO")
     (dom/div (map (fn [todo]
                     (-> (to-do-item (reacl/reactive todo (reacl/reaction this ->Change) this)
                         (reacl/keyed (str (:id todo)))))
                   (:todos app-state)))
      {:onsubmit (fn [e _]
                   (.preventDefault e)
                   (reacl/send-message! this (Submit.)))}
      (dom/input {:onchange 
                  (fn [e]
                     (New-text. (.. e -target -value))))
                  :value local-state})
       (str "Add #" (:next-id app-state)))))

    (fn [msg]
       (instance? New-text msg)
       (reacl/return :local-state (:text msg))

       (instance? Submit msg)
       (let [next-id (:next-id app-state)]
         (reacl/return :local-state ""
                       (assoc app-state
                         (concat (:todos app-state)
                                 [(Todo. next-id local-state false)])
                         :next-id (+ 1 next-id))))

       (instance? Delete msg)
       (let [id (:id (:todo msg))]
         (reacl/return :app-state
                       (assoc app-state
                         (remove (fn [todo] (= id (:id todo)))
                                 (:todos app-state)))))

       (instance? Change msg)
       (let [changed-todo (:todo msg)
             changed-id (:id changed-todo)]
         (reacl/return :app-state
                       (assoc app-state
                         :todos (mapv (fn [todo]
                                        (if (= changed-id (:id todo) )
                                      (:todos app-state))))))))
Defines a Reacl class.

The syntax is

    (defclass <name> <this-name> <app-state-name>? [<param> ...]
      <clause> ...)

`<name>` is the symbol the class is bound to, and is used together with the
current namespace as the _display name_ of the class for debugging purposes.

The presence of `app-state-name` determines if the class has an app-state or not.

Each `<clause>` has the format `<clause-name> <clause-arg>`.  More specifically,
it can be one of the following:

     render <renderer-exp>
     local [<local-name> <local-expr>] ...]
     local-state [<local-state-name> <initial-state-exp>]
     refs [<ref-name> ...]
     validate <validation-expr>
     handle-message <messager-handler-exp>
     <lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp>

Of these, only the `render` clause is mandatory, all the others are optional.

A number of names are bound in the various clauses:

- `<this-name>` is bound to the component object itself
- `<app-state-name>` is bound to the app-state of the component
- the `<param>` ... names are the explicit arguments of instantiations
- the `<local-name>` names are bound to the values of the
  `<local-expr>` expressions, which can refer to the variables above
- `<local-state-name>` is bound to the component-local state
  if there is a `local-state` clause

A `local` clause allows binding additional local variables upon
instantiation.  The syntax is analogous to `let`.

A `local-state` clause allows specifying a variable for the
component's local state, along with an expression for the value of
its initial value.

A `refs` clause specifies names for references to sub-components,
which can be associated with components via `ref` attributes or [[refer]]
in the `render` expression.

`<renderer-exp>` is an expression that renders the component, and
hence must return a virtual dom node.

`<validation-exp>` is evaluated on each instantiation of the class
for its side-effects, which may be raising an error or an assertion,
if the app-state or the arguments violate some invariant.

The `handle-message` function accepts a message sent to the
component via [[send-message!]] or [[return]].  It's expected to
return a value specifying a new application state, a new
component-local state, actions or new messages, or a combination there of, via [[return]].

A class can be invoked as a function to yield a component. If the
class does not have an app-state, it just takes values for the
paramters, like ordinary function applications:

`(<class> <arg> ...)`

If the class has an app-state, then a _binding_ has to be specified
as the first argument, followed by values for the paramters:

`(<class> <binding> <arg> ...)`

The binding specifies what the app-state of the component will be,
as well as how to handle changes to the app-state by that component.
Bindings are created with [[bind]], [[bind-locally]]
and [[use-reaction]], and rarely with [[use-app-state]].

A lifecycle method can be one of:

  `component-will-mount` `component-did-mount`
  `component-will-receive-args` `should-component-update?`
  `component-will-update` `component-did-update` `component-will-unmount`

These correspond to React's lifecycle methods, see

(`component-will-receive-args` is similar to `componentWillReceiveProps`.)

Each right-hand-side `<lifecycle-method-exp>`s should evaluate to a
function. The arguments, which slightly differ from the
corresponding React methods, can be seen in the following list:

`(component-will-mount)` The component can send itself messages in
this method, or optionally return a new state
via [[return]]. If that changes the state, the component
will only render once.

`(component-did-mount)` The component can update its DOM in this
method.  It can also return a new state via [[return]],
but you should take extra care to not create an endless loop of
updates here.

`(component-will-receive-args next-arg1 next-arg2 ...)` The
component has the chance to update its local state in this method
by sending itself a message or optionally return a new state
via [[return]].

`(should-component-update? next-app-state next-local-state next-arg1
next-arg2 ...)` This method should return if the given new values
should cause an update of the component (if render should be
evaluated again). If it's not specified, a default implementation
will do a (=) comparison with the current values. Implement this, if
you want to prevent an update on every app-state change for example.

`(component-will-update next-app-state next-local-state next-arg1 next-arg2 ...)`
Called immediately before an update.

`(component-did-update prev-app-state prev-local-state prev-arg1 prev-arg2 ...)`
Called immediately after an update. The component can update its DOM here.

The component can cleanup it's DOM here for example.

Note that for classes that don't have an app-state or local-state,
the corresponding arguments to these livecycle methods will simply be


  (defrecord New-text [text])
  (defrecord Submit [])
  (defrecord Change [todo])

  (reacl/defclass to-do-app
    this app-state []

    local-state [local-state ""]

     (dom/h3 "TODO")
     (dom/div (map (fn [todo]
                     (-> (to-do-item (reacl/reactive todo (reacl/reaction this ->Change) this)
                         (reacl/keyed (str (:id todo)))))
                   (:todos app-state)))
      {:onsubmit (fn [e _]
                   (.preventDefault e)
                   (reacl/send-message! this (Submit.)))}
      (dom/input {:onchange 
                  (fn [e]
                     (New-text. (.. e -target -value))))
                  :value local-state})
       (str "Add #" (:next-id app-state)))))

    (fn [msg]
       (instance? New-text msg)
       (reacl/return :local-state (:text msg))

       (instance? Submit msg)
       (let [next-id (:next-id app-state)]
         (reacl/return :local-state ""
                       (assoc app-state
                         (concat (:todos app-state)
                                 [(Todo. next-id local-state false)])
                         :next-id (+ 1 next-id))))

       (instance? Delete msg)
       (let [id (:id (:todo msg))]
         (reacl/return :app-state
                       (assoc app-state
                         (remove (fn [todo] (= id (:id todo)))
                                 (:todos app-state)))))

       (instance? Change msg)
       (let [changed-todo (:todo msg)
             changed-id (:id changed-todo)]
         (reacl/return :app-state
                       (assoc app-state
                         :todos (mapv (fn [todo]
                                        (if (= changed-id (:id todo) )
                                      (:todos app-state))))))))
sourceraw docstring


(focus binding lens)

Returns a binding that appends the given lens to the given binding, so that a child component only uses a smaller part of the bound value as its app-state.

Returns a binding that appends the given `lens` to the given
`binding`, so that a child component only uses a smaller part of the
bound value as its app-state.
sourceraw docstring


(get-dom thing)

Get a (real) DOM node from an object that contains one, typically a reference.

Get a (real) DOM node from an object that contains one, typically a reference.
sourceraw docstring


(handle-toplevel-action f)

Returns a value to be passed to render-component, which specifies how to handle toplevel actions.

All actions reaching the toplevel are passed to (f app-state action):

  • with the current state of the application, where
  • f may have a side effect on the browser or initiate some Ajax request etc., and
  • must use return to return a modified application state or to send some message back to a component.

Note that you must only use return so send a message immediately to a component (like the id of an Ajax request), and send-message! only to send a message later, from an asynchronous context, to a component (like the result of an Ajax request).

Returns a value to be passed to [[render-component]], which
  specifies how to handle toplevel actions.

  All actions reaching the toplevel are passed to `(f app-state action)`:
- with the current state of the application, where
- `f` may have a side effect on the browser or initiate some Ajax request etc., and 
- must use [[return]] to return a modified application state or to send some message back to a component.

Note that you must only use [[return]] so send a message
_immediately_ to a component (like the id of an Ajax request), and
[[send-message!]] only to send a message later, from an _asynchronous_ context, to a
component (like the result of an Ajax request).
sourceraw docstring


(has-app-state? class)

Returns if the given class creates components with an app-state or not.

Returns if the given class creates components with an app-state or not.
sourceraw docstring


(has-class? clazz element)

Find out if an element was generated from a certain Reacl class.

Find out if an element was generated from a certain Reacl class.
sourceraw docstring


(instantiate-toplevel clazz & args)
(instantiate-toplevel clazz app-state & args)
(instantiate-toplevel clazz opts & args)
(instantiate-toplevel clazz opts app-state & args)

Creates an instance (a React component) of the given class. For testing purposes mostly.

Creates an instance (a React component) of the given class. For testing purposes mostly.
sourceraw docstring


Singleton value which can be used in return to indicate no (application or local) state change, which is different from setting it to nil.

Singleton value which can be used in [[return]] to indicate no (application or local)
state change, which is different from setting it to nil.
sourceraw docstring


(keep-state? x)

Check if an object is the keep-state object.

Check if an object is the keep-state object.
sourceraw docstring


(keyed elem key)

Returns an element identical to the given elem, but replacing its key property.

Returns an element identical to the given `elem`, but replacing its
`key` property.
sourceraw docstring


(map-action elem f & args)

Clones the given element so that all actions coming out of it are piped through f.

Clones the given element so that all actions coming out of it are
piped through `f`.
sourceraw docstring


(merge-returned & rets)

Merge the given return values from left to right. Actions and messages are appended, states are replaced unless they are keep-state.

Merge the given return values from left to right. Actions and
messages are appended, states are replaced unless they
are [[keep-state]].
sourceraw docstring


(mixin & ?stuff)

Define a mixin. Mixins let you provide additional lifecycle method expressions that you can mix into your components.

The syntax is

(mixin [<this> [<app-state> [<local-state>]]] [<param> ...]
  [<lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp> ...])

In order to use the mixin you can use the mixins clause in defclass

(defclass foo ...
  mixins [(<your-mixin-var> [<param> ...])]

The lifecycle method expressions in the mixins will be called in order. Only after all mixin lifecycle methods have been handled the component's own lifecycle method will be called.

Define a mixin. Mixins let you provide additional lifecycle method expressions that
you can mix into your components.

The syntax is

    (mixin [<this> [<app-state> [<local-state>]]] [<param> ...]
      [<lifecycle-method-name> <lifecycle-method-exp> ...])

In order to use the mixin you can use the `mixins` clause in `defclass`

    (defclass foo ...
      mixins [(<your-mixin-var> [<param> ...])]

The lifecycle method expressions in the mixins will be called in order. Only after all
mixin lifecycle methods have been handled the component's own lifecycle method will be
sourceraw docstring


Use this as a reaction if you don't want to react to an app-state change.

Use this as a reaction if you don't want to react to an app-state change.
sourceraw docstring


(opt & {:as mp})

Create options for component instantiation.

Takes the following keyword arguments:

  • :reaction must be a reaction to an app-state change, typically created via reaction, no-reaction, or pass-through-reaction. -
  • :embed-app-state can be specified as an alternative to :reaction and specifies, that the app state of this component is embedded in the parent component's app state. This must be a function of two arguments, the parent app state and this component's app-state. It must return a new parent app state.
  • :embed-local-state is similar to :embed-app-state, but changes of the app state are instead embedded into the local state of the parent component.
  • :app-state can be specified as an alternative to passing the app state as the next parameter of a class instantiation.
  • :bind [parent lens] specifies, that lens applied to the current app state of parent is used as the app state of the component, and that changes to the app state of the component are integrated into the parent's app state via (lens parent-app-state new-child-app-state). lens can also be nil, a keyword or an index into a sequential collection.
  • :bind-local [parent lens] is similar to :bind, but the app state of the component is instead bound to the local state of the parent.
  • :reduce-action takes arguments [app-state action] where app-state is the app state of the component being instantiated, and action is an action. This should call return to handle the action. By default, it is a function with body (return :action action) returning the action unchanged. This is called on every action generated by the child component. Local-state changes through this function are ignored.
  • :parent takes a component as an argument, which is used as the parent for the flow of actions and reactions.
  • :ref take a ref declared in the refs clause of a class, so that the instance of this class is bound to the ref at any time. Note that this cannot be specified on the toplevel.

Only one of :reaction, :embed-app-state, :embed-local-state, :bind and :bind-local should be specified, and when using :bind or :bind-local then do not specify an :app-state either.

Create options for component instantiation.

Takes the following keyword arguments:

- `:reaction` must be a reaction to an app-state change, typically created via
  [[reaction]], [[no-reaction]], or [[pass-through-reaction]].  -
- `:embed-app-state` can be specified as an alternative to `:reaction`
  and specifies, that the app state of this component is embedded in the
  parent component's app state.  This must be a function of two arguments, the
  parent app state and this component's app-state.  It must return a new parent
  app state.
- `:embed-local-state` is similar to `:embed-app-state`, but changes of the
  app state are instead embedded into the local state of the parent component.
- `:app-state` can be specified as an alternative to passing the app state as the
  next parameter of a class instantiation.
- `:bind [parent lens]` specifies, that `lens` applied to the current app state of
  `parent` is used as the app state of the component, and that changes to the app state
  of the component are integrated into the parent's app state via
  `(lens parent-app-state new-child-app-state)`. `lens` can also be nil, a keyword or
  an index into a sequential collection.
- `:bind-local [parent lens]` is similar to `:bind`, but the app state of the
  component is instead bound to the local state of the parent.
- `:reduce-action` takes arguments `[app-state action]` where `app-state` is the app state
  of the component being instantiated, and `action` is an action.  This
  should call [[return]] to handle the action.  By default, it is a function
  with body `(return :action action)` returning the action unchanged.
  This is called on every action generated by the child component.
  Local-state changes through this function are ignored.
- `:parent` takes a component as an argument, which is used as the parent for
  the flow of actions and reactions.
- `:ref` take a ref declared in the `refs` clause of a class, so that the
  instance of this class is bound to the ref at any time. Note that this cannot be specified on the toplevel.

Only one of `:reaction`, `:embed-app-state`, `:embed-local-state`,
`:bind` and `:bind-local` should be specified, and when using `:bind`
or `:bind-local` then do not specify an `:app-state` either.
sourceraw docstring


(opt? v)

Returns true if v is the result of opt.

Returns true if v is the result of [[opt]].
sourceraw docstring


(pass-through-reaction component)

Use this if you want to pass the app-state as the message.

component must be the component to send the message to

Use this if you want to pass the app-state as the message.

`component` must be the component to send the message to
sourceraw docstring


(reacl-class? x)

Is an object a Reacl class?

Is an object a Reacl class?
sourceraw docstring


(react-element clazz props)

Returns a react element that renders as the given reacl class. Props must be a map with the following keys:

  • :args A sequence of arguments to the class.
  • :app-state The app-state of the element.
  • :set-app-state! A function to store a new app-state, which gets a callback function as the second argument which must be called after the new state is processed.
  • :handle-action! A function that handles actions emitted by the element.
  • :ref, :key Optional ref and key to the element.

Note that set-app-state! must expect to be called with keep-state, representing no change, but still invoke the callback.

The props can be a Javascript object, where the corresponding property names should be

  • args An array of arguments,
  • appState
  • setAppState
  • handleAction
  • ref and key.

Messages can be sent to the instance of the element (via a ref) via send-message!.

Returns a react element that renders as the given reacl class. Props must be a map with the following keys:

- `:args`  A sequence of arguments to the class.
- `:app-state`  The app-state of the element.
- `:set-app-state!`  A function to store a new app-state, which gets a callback function as the second argument which must be called after the new state is processed.
- `:handle-action!`  A function that handles actions emitted by the element.
- `:ref`, `:key`  Optional ref and key to the element.

Note that `set-app-state!` must expect to be called with [[keep-state]], representing no change, but still invoke the callback.

The `props` can be a Javascript object, where the corresponding property names should be
- `args`  An array of arguments,
- `appState`
- `setAppState`
- `handleAction`
- `ref` and `key`.

Messages can be sent to the instance of the element (via a ref) via [[send-message!]].
sourceraw docstring


(reaction component make-message & args)

A reaction that says how to deal with a new app state in a subcomponent.

  • component component to send a message to
  • make-message function to apply to the new app state and any additional args, to make the message.

Common specialized reactions are no-reaction and pass-through-reaction.

A reaction that says how to deal with a new app state in a subcomponent.

- `component` component to send a message to
- `make-message` function to apply to the new app state and any additional `args`, to make the message.

Common specialized reactions are [[no-reaction]] and [[pass-through-reaction]].
sourceraw docstring


(reduce-action elem f & args)

Clone the given element, wrapping (composing) its action reducer with the given action reducer f.

Clone the given element, wrapping (composing) its action reducer
with the given action reducer `f`.
sourceraw docstring


(refer elem ref)

Returns an element identical to the given elem, but replacing its ref property, so that the given ref reflects the dom element created for it.

Returns an element identical to the given `elem`, but replacing its
`ref` property, so that the given ref reflects the dom element
created for it.
sourceraw docstring


(render-component element clazz & args)
(render-component element clazz app-state & args)
(render-component element clazz opts & args)
(render-component element clazz opts app-state & args)

Instantiate and render a component into the DOM.

  • element is the DOM element
  • clazz is the Reacl class
  • opts is an object created with handle-toplevel-action or opt
  • app-state is the initial application state
  • args is a seq of class arguments
Instantiate and render a component into the DOM.

- `element` is the DOM element
- `clazz` is the Reacl class
- `opts` is an object created with [[handle-toplevel-action]] or [[opt]]
- `app-state` is the initial application state
- `args` is a seq of class arguments
sourceraw docstring


(return & args)

Return state from a Reacl message handler or livecycle methods.

Has optional keyword arguments:

  • :app-state is for a new app state (only once).
  • :local-state is for a new component-local state (only once).
  • :action is for an action (may be present multiple times)
  • :message is for a tuple [target message] to be queued (may be present multiple times)

A state can be set to nil. To keep a state unchanged, do not specify that option, or specify the value keep-state.

Return state from a Reacl message handler or livecycle methods.

 Has optional keyword arguments:

 - `:app-state` is for a new app state (only once).
 - `:local-state` is for a new component-local state (only once).
 - `:action` is for an action (may be present multiple times)
 - `:message` is for a tuple `[target message]` to be queued (may be present multiple times)

 A state can be set to nil. To keep a state unchanged, do not specify
that option, or specify the value [[keep-state]].
sourceraw docstring


(returned-actions ret)

Returns the actions from the given return value.

Returns the actions from the given [[return]] value.
sourceraw docstring


(returned-app-state ret)

Returns the app-state from the given return value.

Returns the app-state from the given [[return]] value.
sourceraw docstring


(returned-local-state ret)

Returns the local-state from the given return value.

Returns the local-state from the given [[return]] value.
sourceraw docstring


(returned-messages ret)

Returns the messages from the given return value.

Returns the messages from the given [[return]] value.
sourceraw docstring


(returned? x)


(reveal binding)

Returns the value provided by the given binding to be used as the app-state of a child component.

Do not use this outside the evaluation of the render clause in which the binding was constructed (e.g. in an event handler); that may lead to hard to track bugs in your component.

Returns the value provided by the given `binding` to be used as the
app-state of a child component.

Do not use this outside the evaluation of the `render` clause in
which the binding was constructed (e.g. in an event handler); that
may lead to hard to track bugs in your component.
sourceraw docstring


(send-message! comp msg)

Send a message to a Reacl component.

Returns the Returned object returned by the message handler.

Send a message to a Reacl component.

Returns the `Returned` object returned by the message handler.
sourceraw docstring


(set-parent elem target)

Clones the given element, but replaces the parent component used in the reaction and action processing, which is the first component higher in the rendering tree by default - its rendering parent. If target is nil, the default behavior is restored.

Clones the given element, but replaces the parent component used in
the reaction and action processing, which is the first component
higher in the rendering tree by default - its _rendering parent_. If
`target` is nil, the default behavior is restored.
sourceraw docstring


(specialize class & args)

Creates class by partially applying the given class, given some of its arguments. Note that this applies only the ordinary arguments, not the app-state, opt or state binding; those still have to passed to an application of the returned class, if needed.

Creates class by partially applying the given class, given some of
its arguments. Note that this applies only the ordinary arguments,
not the app-state, [[opt]] or state binding; those still have to
passed to an application of the returned class, if needed.
sourceraw docstring


(use-app-state app-state)

Returns a binding that uses the given value as the app-state of a child component, ignoring all updates the child component returns.

Returns a binding that uses the given value as the app-state of a
child component, ignoring all updates the child component returns.
sourceraw docstring


(use-reaction app-state reaction)

Returns a binding the uses the given value app-state as the child's app-state, and triggers the given reaction when the child wants to update it. See reaction for creating reactions.

Returns a binding the uses the given value `app-state` as the
child's app-state, and triggers the given `reaction` when the child
wants to update it. See [[reaction]] for creating reactions.
sourceraw docstring

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