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Share clojure atoms between services.

Clojars Project

Supported features

  • deref
  • reset!
  • reset-vals!
  • swap!
  • swap-vals!
  • compare-and-set!


Define redis connection spec like with taoensso.carmine. Define an atom by passing in the connetion spec, a key that will point to the atom value on Redis and the atom value. Everything else is exactly the same as with Clojure atoms.*

(require '[redis-atom.core :refer [redis-atom]])

(def conn {:pool {} :spec {:uri "redis://localhost:6379"}})

(def a (redis-atom conn :redis-key {:my-data "42" :more-data 43}))

a ; => #object[redis_atom.core.RedisAtom 0x471a378 {:status :ready, :val {:my-data "42", :more-data 43}}]
(deref a) ; => {:my-data "42" :more-data 43}

(reset! a 42) ; => 42
@a ; => 42

(reset-vals! a 43) ; => [42 43]
@a ; => 43

(swap! a inc) ; => 43
@a ; => 43

(swap-vals! a inc) ; => [43 44]
@a ; => 44

* For now redis-atom implements IDeref and IAtom2 inerfaces only. Validators and watchers are not supported at this time but I do have plans of supporting the entire clojure atom api at some point in the near future.


Running the test suite requires redis backend service which can be easily created with docker-compose. To start a local backend:

$ cd redis
$ docker-compose up -d

This will start a redis server on 6379 and a redis-commander on 8081. If you are a fan of redis-cli, run script in the same dir for the console.

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