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Share clojure atoms between services.

Clojars Project


Define redis connection spec like with taoensso.carmine. Define an atom by passing in the connetion spec, a key that will point to the atom value on Redis and the atom value. Everything else is exactly the same as with Clojure atoms.

(require '[redis-atom.core :refer [redis-atom]])

(def conn {:pool {} :spec {:uri "redis://localhost:6379"}})

(def a (redis-atom conn :redis-key {:my-data "42" :more-data 43}))

a ; => #object[redis_atom.core.RedisAtom 0x471a378 {:status :ready, :val {:my-data "42", :more-data 43}}]
@a ; => {:my-data "42" :more-data 43}
(reset! a 42) ; => 42
(reset-vals! a 43) ; => [42 43]
(swap! a inc) ; => 43
(swap-vals! a inc) ; => [43 44]


Running the test suite requires redis backend service which can be easily created with docker-compose. To start a local backend:

$ cd redis
$ docker-compose up -d

This will start a redis server on 6379 and a redis-commander on 8081. If you are a fan of redis-cli, run script in the same dir for the console.

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