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A Clojure/ClojureScript library of reducing function combinators.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj or build.boot:

[redux "0.1.4"]


(require '[redux.core :refer [facet fuse]])

(transduce identity (facet + [dec inc]) (range 5))

;; => [5 15]

(transduce identity (fuse {:a + :b conj}) (range 5))

;; => {:a 10, :b [0 1 2 3 4]}

(def rf
    (fuse {:sum  +
           :conj conj})
    [:a :b]))

(transduce identity rf [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4}])

;; => [{:sum 4, :conj [1 3]} {:sum 6, :conj [2 4]}]

;; Stateful transducers are reset on reducing function initialization

(let [rf (r/with-xform conj (take 2))]

  ;; Apply the stateful reducing function once...
  (transduce identity rf [1 2 3])

  ;; => [1 2]

  ;; ...twice...

  (transduce identity rf [1 2 3])

  ;; => [1 2]


Strongly inspired by Tesser.


Copyright © 2016 Henry Garner

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.

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