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Organization of the Project

This project is meant to be consumed by an editor plug-in. But the developing of this project must follow some order, otherwise things get confusing really fast.


Editors should consume from the editor-integration namespace. The editor-integration and its children is the only namespace allowed to depend on commands and state.

state is an Atom that defines the "current connection state/commands" of the editor. The state currently is composed by the following map:

{:clj/aux a-repl-for-commands
 :clj/repl a-repl-for-evaluation
 :cljs/repl a-repl-for-evaluation
 :repl/info {:host string? :port integer?}
 :editor/commands {:evaluate-top-block {:name string?
                                        :description string?
                                        :command fn?}

The commands is the huge map that's passed to editor-integration.connection/connect!, with callbacks on how to call the editor's internal state when it is needed.

The editor-integration namespace is responsible for "wiring things": to pick up an extreme example, see ClojureScript's autocomplete: it can work in three ways: if you're running Lumo, you want to use the internal APIs of Lumo to autocomplete things; if you're not running Lumo, you can be running another "self-hosted" or "bootstrapped" ClojureScript REPL like Plank or Shadow-CLJS' target :bootstrap, or you can be running Figwheel, Shadow-CLJS, etc (REPLs that run inside the JVM).

If you're into the last case, autocomplete can be done with the Compliment library, but it needs to be run inside Clojure, not ClojureScript. In this case, it needs to know the full state of the editor (and see if there's a :clj/aux REPL connected), otherwise things will not work. But if there's no :clj/aux REPL or if there's Compliment libary, it'll fallback to the "simple" autocomplete defined on repl-tooling/features/autocomplete/simple-cljs.

On features namespace, things should be simpler: you can't access the "full state" of the editor integration, but you shouldn't be limited on what parameters you can receive, considering that they need to be independent (so, no "maps with the same structure as state", for example). The reason for that is to not have a dependency between the schema that editor-integration expects, because this schema will change over time, and it's better for the other parts of the code to not be aware of that.

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