Inspired by React and Reagent.
[respo "0.10.11"]
DOM syntax
(div {:class-name "demo-container"
:style {:color :red}
:on-click (fn [event dispatch! mutate!])}
(div {}))
Text Node:
(<> content)
; with styles
(<> content {:color :red
:font-size 14})
Component definition:
(defcomp comp-container [content]
{:class-name "demo-container"
:style {:color :red}}
(<> content)))
App initialization:
; initialize store and update store
(defonce *store (atom {:point 0 :states {}}))
(defn dispatch! [op op-data] (reset! *store updated-store))
; render to the DOM
(render! mount-point (comp-container @*store) dispatch!)
Rerender on store changes:
(defn render-app! [] (render! mount-point (comp-container @*store) dispatch!))
(add-watch *store :changes (fn [] (render-app!)))
Reset virtual DOM caching during hot code swapping, and rerender:
(defn reload! []
Adding effects to component:
(defeffect effect-a [text] [text'] [action parent-element]
(println action)) ; action could be :mount :update :amount
(defcomp comp-a [text]
[(effect-a text) (div {})])
Read docs to use Respo:
yarn compile-test
node target/test.js
Calcit Workflow
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jiyinyiyong, ChenYong & Ikuru KEdit on GitHub
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