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Rhizome is a library for visualizing graph and tree structures.

Changes made in this fork

  • moved to .cljc format so now for Clojure/script
  • removed viz.clj i.e. this version of the library only generates dot
  • removed tree->dot function
  • added nested cluster functionality: & so changed from node->cluster to node->clusters (see below)
  • added cluster->ranks argument to allow for specification of ranks=same for certain nodes in a cluster (see below)

Thanks to Zach Tellman for this wonderful library!


To include in your project, add this to your project.clj:

[rhizome "0.2.9"]

Use of this project requires that Graphviz is installed, which can be checked by running dot -V at the command line. If it's not installed, you can do the following:

Linuxinstall graphviz using your package manager
OS Xuse brew install graphiz or download the installer
Windowsdownload the installer

There are two namespaces, and rhizome.viz. The former will take a graph and return a string representation of a Graphviz dot file, the latter takes graphs and renders or displays them. In practice, you should only need to use rhizome.viz.

The core function is rhizome.viz/view-graph. It takes two parameters: nodes, which is a list of nodes in the graph, and adjacent, which is a function that takes a node and returns adjacent nodes. Nodes can be of any type you like, as long as the objects in nodes and the objects returned by adjacent are equivalent.

These can be followed by zero or more of the following keyword arguments:

:directed?whether the graph should be rendered as a directed graph, defaults to true
:vertical?whether the graph should be rendered top-to-bottom, defaults to true
:node->descriptortakes a node, and returns a map of attributes onto values describing how the node should be rendered
:edge->descriptortakes the source and destination node, and returns a map of attributes onto values describing how the edge should be rendered
:optionsa map of attributes onto values describing how the graph should be rendered
:node->clusterstakes a node and returns whicha seq of clusters, or nil, the node belongs to
:cluster->parenttakes a cluster and returns which cluster, if any, it is contained within
:cluster->descriptortakes a cluster and returns a map of attributes onto values describing how the cluster should be rendered
:cluster->rankstakes a cluster and returns a seq of seqs of nodes, the nodes in each seq of nodes will be assigned rank=same

The rendering attributes described by :node->descriptor, :edge->descriptor, :cluster->descriptor, and :options are described in detail here. String and keyword values are interchangeable.

The most commonly-used attributes are label, which describes the text overlaid on a node, edge, or cluster, and shape, the options for which are described here. For the :options, it's sometimes useful to adjust the dpi, which controls the size of the image.

An example:

> (use 'rhizome.viz)
> (def g
    {:a [:b :c]
         :b [:c]
         :c [:a]})
> (view-graph (keys g) g
    :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:label n}))

Clusters are a way of grouping certain nodes together. They can be any object you like, including values also used by a node. Using :cluster->parent, they can be nested:

> (view-graph (keys g) g
    :cluster->descriptor (fn [n] {:label n})
    :node->cluster identity
    :cluster->parent {:b :c, :a :c})

While trees are a special case of graphs, using view-graph to visualize trees can be a little indirect. To make this simpler, there's a view-tree function, which is modeled after Clojure's tree-seq operator. This function takes three parameters, branch?, children, and root, followed by zero or more of the keyword arguments taken by view-graph. This can make it easy to visualize hierarchical structures:

> (def t [[1 [2 3]] [4 [5]]])
> (view-tree sequential? seq t
    :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:label (when (number? n) n)}))

If the value for label is not a string, typically it will be displayed as a string representation of the value. However, if the value is sequential, then the node will be displayed as a Record type:

> (def t '([1 2] ([3 4] ([5 6 7]))))
> (view-tree list? seq t
    :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:label (when (vector? n) n)}))

rhizome.viz/graph->svg can be used to render the graph as SVG.


Copyright © 2013 Zachary Tellman

Distributed under the MIT License

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