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Ring middleware to stream Server-Sent Events (SSE) - a lightweight and standardized technology as part of HTML5 where the client receives automatic push notifications from the server via HTTP connection.

More details on W3C and Wikipedia.


Clojars coordinates [ring-sse-middleware "0.1.3"]

Requires Clojure 1.8 or higher.

No web server dependency is included. You must add a compatible web server to your project.

Tested web servers

This middleware is tested with the following web servers:

Web serverVersion
Aleph/Manifold0.4.0 to 0.4.6
HTTP Kit2.1.x to 2.5.1
Immutant2.1.9 to 2.1.10
Jetty adapter9.2.x (Ring 1.4.0) to 9.4.x (Ring 1.9.0)


Remainder of this document uses the following namespace aliases:

(require '[ring-sse-middleware.core    :as r])
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.wrapper :as w])
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.generic  :as g])  ; for any server with no response buffering
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.http-kit :as h])  ; for HTTP-Kit server only
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.immutant :as i])  ; for Immutant server only
(require '[ring-sse-middleware.adapter.manifold :as m])  ; for Manifold (Aleph server) only

Quickstart with defined route and HTTP Kit server

Let us assume you have

  • a Ring handler defined as handler
  • a URI endpoint /app/metrics that returns a JSON string of metrics data
  • web server HTTP Kit

You want to periodically (at 1 second interval) query this data and stream it to a browser client for visualization. Use ring-sse-middleware to set up streaming.

(def wrapped-handler (-> handler
                       (r/streaming-middleware h/generate-stream))) ; for Aleph it would be m/generate-stream

Once you start HTTP Kit, you can fetch the stream from the URI /app/metrics?stream=true on the same server. The default configuration is triggered with query parameter stream=true for HTTP GET requests, and has 1 second interval.

Quickstart with custom options and Jetty server

Let us assume you have

  • a Ring handler defined as handler
  • a no-argument function emit-score that returns a comma-separated string of a cricket match score
  • web server Jetty using the Ring Jetty adapter

You want to periodically (at 3 seconds interval) query this data at URI /score and stream it to a remote client. Use the ring-sse-middleware to set up streaming for at most 100 clients.

(def wrapped-handler (-> handler
                       (r/streaming-middleware g/generate-stream {:request-matcher (partial r/uri-match "/score")
                                                                  :chunk-generator (-> (fn [_] (emit-score))
                                                                                     (w/wrap-delay 3000)
                                                                  :max-connections 100})))

Once you start Jetty, you can fetch the stream from the URI /score on the server. Be sure to configure Jetty's output buffering to minimum to instantly receive the stream updates. This example uses generic g/generate-stream streaming function. In theory it should work with all web servers, but in practice it works with only few, often poorly. For proper Server-sent Events support consider one of the non-generic web servers.


Run the server (any of the following commands, press Ctrl+C to stop) in one terminal:

lein do clean, aleph run
lein do clean, http-kit run
lein do clean, immutant run
lein do clean, jetty run

Run the client (press Ctrl+C to stop) in another terminal:

curl -v "localhost:3000/?stream=true"


Copyright © 2017-2021 Shantanu Kumar

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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