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Ring Request Validators

Small library of functions which can be used to validate Ring requests.


Available from Clojars

(ns my.project
  (:require [ring.util.validators :refer :all]))

; The functions return validators, so we need to create
; them and then execute them.

((param-exists? :foo) {:params {}}) ; => false

((param-int? :foo) {:params {:foo "123"}}) ; => true

Pretty boring, but these can then be attached to Ring handler functions...

(defn my-handler [req]
  ;; does something incredible, of course

  (param-exists? :foo) "You need to specify a foo"
  (param-int? :bar) "Bar needs to be an integer"
    (fn [message e & args]
      ;; create error response


(param-exists? :name)
(param-int? :name)
(param-long? :name)


Just playing with some ideas, might not work out in practice.

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