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Simple pull API inspired by datomic Pull API, but can be used on any ILookup instance

Simple pull API inspired by datomic Pull API, but can be used on any ILookup
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(pull pattern data)

Returns data specified by pattern inside data.

data can be a ILookup instance (for example, a map, or a lookup of fun-map), or a sequential of ILookup.

A pattern is a vector, contains keys or joins, with keys in patterns, pull acts just like clojure.core/select-keys: (pull [:a :c] {:a 3 :b 5 :c 6}) => {:a 3 :c 6} A join in the pattern is a map with its keys corresponding keys in data, while value is another pattern. So this nested pattern can travel nested data:

(pull [:a {:c [:ca]}] {:a 3 :b 5 :c [{:ca 4, :cb :foo} {:ca -1, :cb :bar}])
=> {:a 3 :c [{:ca 4} {:ca -1}]}

If some private key-values in your data you do not want pull to return, for instance, password or other sensitive data, you can specify a :private meta to the data, like: (pull [:a :b] ^:private #{:a} {:a :secret, b: 5}) => {:b 5}

Returns data specified by pattern inside data.

data can be a ILookup instance (for example, a map, or a lookup of fun-map), or
a sequential of ILookup.

A pattern is a vector, contains keys or joins, with keys in patterns, pull
acts just like clojure.core/select-keys:
  `(pull [:a :c] {:a 3 :b 5 :c 6}) => {:a 3 :c 6}`
A join in the pattern is a map with its keys corresponding keys in data, while
value is another pattern. So this nested pattern can travel nested data:

  (pull [:a {:c [:ca]}] {:a 3 :b 5 :c [{:ca 4, :cb :foo} {:ca -1, :cb :bar}])
  => {:a 3 :c [{:ca 4} {:ca -1}]}

 If some private key-values in your data you do not want pull to return, for
 instance, password or other sensitive data, you can specify a `:private` meta
 to the data, like:
  `(pull [:a :b] ^:private #{:a} {:a :secret, b: 5}) => {:b 5}`
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