(->ex-info result & {:as extra-ex-data})
Returns an [[ex-info]] that represents a failed AWS API response.
Returns an [[ex-info]] that represents a failed AWS API response.
(anomaly? response)
Returns true when the response (from cognitect.aws.client.api) indicates an anomalous condition, such as an error.
Returns true when the response (from cognitect.aws.client.api) indicates an anomalous condition, such as an error.
(aws-error-code response)
Returns the error code, if present, of an AWS API response.
Returns the error code, if present, of an AWS API response.
(aws-error-message response)
Returns the error message, if present, of an AWS API response.
Returns the error message, if present, of an AWS API response.
(full-name x)
Returns a string representing a symbol or keyword's full name and namespace, if any. If given a string, returns the string unchanged.
Returns a string representing a symbol or keyword's full name and namespace, if any. If given a string, returns the string unchanged.
(invoke! client op-map)
Calls the AWS API and returns a response, or throws an [[ex-info]] if the operation fails.
See [cognitect.aws.client.api/invoke].
Calls the AWS API and returns a response, or throws an [[ex-info]] if the operation fails. See [cognitect.aws.client.api/invoke].
(pages-seq client op-map & [next-token])
Returns a lazy-seq of AWS API responses from invoke!
Lazily throws an [[ex-info]] if an operation fails.
Returns a lazy-seq of AWS API responses from [[invoke!]]. Lazily throws an [[ex-info]] if an operation fails.
(resource type
{:keys [creation-policy deletion-policy depends-on metadata
update-policy update-replace-policy]})
Returns a map representing a CloudFormation resource definition.
Resource attributes are documented at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-product-attribute-reference.html
Returns a map representing a CloudFormation resource definition. Resource attributes are documented at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-product-attribute-reference.html
(tags map-or-xs)
Returns a vector representing a list of CloudFormation tag
key-value pairs. If given a map, the map's key-value pairs are
translated to the CloudFormation format. If given a vector or
other sequential type, returns a vector of the unchanged items.
Returns nil if map-or-xs
is empty.
(tags {:a "A", :b "B"})
;; => [{:Key "a", :Value "A"} {:Key "b", :Value "B"}]
(tags [{:Key "a", :Value "A"} {:Key "b", :Value "B"}])
;; => [{:Key "a", :Value "A"} {:Key "b", :Value "B"}]
Returns a vector representing a list of CloudFormation tag key-value pairs. If given a map, the map's key-value pairs are translated to the CloudFormation format. If given a vector or other sequential type, returns a vector of the unchanged items. Returns nil if `map-or-xs` is empty. ```clojure (tags {:a "A", :b "B"}) ;; => [{:Key "a", :Value "A"} {:Key "b", :Value "B"}] (tags [{:Key "a", :Value "A"} {:Key "b", :Value "B"}]) ;; => [{:Key "a", :Value "A"} {:Key "b", :Value "B"}] ```
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