mike@mbp02 just
List of available recipes
Available recipes:
build # Build uberjar file (as an application)
bump level='patch' # Bump version artifact in `version_id` file, level may be one of: major, minor, patch, alpha, beta, rc, release.
clean # Clean target folder
default # Help
deploy # Deploy uberjar file to remote repository (stub)
format # Format source code
install # Install uberjar locally (requires the pom.xml file)
javac # Compile java sources (if any)
lint # Lint source code
outdated # Check for outdated dependencies
repl # Run Clojure repl
requirements # Install project requirements (OS will be detected automatically)
run # Run application
standalone # Create a standalone application with bundled JDK (using jlink, JDK 9+)
test # Run tests