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Use different React version

Add to project.clj:

:dependencies {
  [rum "0.11.3" :exclusions [[cljsjs/react] [cljsjs/react-dom]]]
  [cljsjs/react     "16.6.0-0"]
  [cljsjs/react-dom "16.6.0-0"]

Including React.js manually

If you want to include react.js yourself, then add this to project.clj:

:dependencies {
  [rum "0.11.3" :exclusions [[cljsjs/react] [cljsjs/react-dom]]]

Create two files

  1. src/cljsjs/react.cljs:

    (ns cljsjs.react)
  2. src/cljsjs/react/dom.cljs:

    (ns cljsjs.react.dom)

Add to your HTML the version you want:

<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>

Using React with addons

[rum "0.11.3" :exclusions [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom]]
[cljsjs/react-dom "16.2.0-3" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]]
[cljsjs/react-dom-server "16.2.0-3" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]]
[cljsjs/react-with-addons "16.2.0-3"]

Profiling with React perf

Specify the react-with-addons dependency in your project.clj (see above ↑)

Then from within your program run:

;;run your app

and results will be printed to the developer console.

Using 3rd-party React components

Given e.g. react-router-transition

(defn route-transition [pathname children]
  (js/React.createElement js/RouteTransition
    #js { :pathname pathname
          :atEnter  #js { :opacity 0 }
          :atLeave  #js { opacity: 0 }
          :atActive #js { opacity: 1 } }
    (clj->js children)))

Another example react-component/slider

(defn range-slider [min max]
  (js/React.createElement js/Slider #js { :min min
                                          :max max
                                          :range true
                                          :defaultValue #js [40 60] }))

Note: See how defn is used here instead of defc? Using defc would cause two components being created (e.g. range-slider and the Slider component). Because in many cases you don't need the wrapping component you can just use defn.

Get displayName of component

This might be useful for development when you want to know which component this mixin is handling:

(ns ...
  (:require [goog.object :as gobj]))

(defn display-name
  "Returns the displayname of the component"
    (:rum/react-component state)

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